From the School Leadership Team

Parent Information Night
We are looking forward to seeing our families for parent information night on Wednesday 5 February. Our P &F are kindly providing drinks and nibblies in the courtyard from 6.00pm to 8.00pmand then there will be a session with your child's class teacher where they will present on the learning, routines and events they have planned for the year.
Each cluster will give an information session throughout the evening in their classrooms, and this will be staggered to enable families who have children in different clusters to attend each of the sessions, as well as maximising our ability to connect with each other as a. community in the courtyard.
6.00pm - Evening Commences and Welcome
6.20pm - Foundation Cluster Information Session
6.40pm - Year 1/2 Cluster information Session
7.00pm - 2/3T Class Information Session
7.20pm - Year 3/4 Cluster Information Session
7.40pm - Year 5/6 Cluster Information Session
Playground Upgrades
It is exciting to see the many playground upgrades that have taken place over the holidays, with the courts being completely resurfaced and the nature play being updated with a range of additional equipment.
The upgrade to the courts provide a much smoother surface for our students to play on, as well as to enjoy basketball and netball training as part of our many sporting teams. The nature play additions will support children's imaginative play, and social skill and gross motor development. We are really excited to see the log scramble and yarning circle fully installed. Our appreciation goes to both the P & F committee and our School Board for their support of these two projects.
TASS Parent Lounge
A reminder about TASS Parent Lounge, our online parent portal. This is a great way to be able to check that your contact details and your child's medical details are up to date, as well as to be able to view the school calendar.
Please check your email for your login information - and you are most welcome to be in touch with us if you have any queries around the login process.
Pastor - call process
As many of our families would be aware, our previous pastor, Pastor Greg, accepted a call to Faith Lutheran College in Queensland back in November 2023. Our church congregation have formed a 'call committee' to undertake the process of calling, of inviting a new pastor to serve at Golden Grove Lutheran Church and in our school community. Thank you for your ongoing prayers for this process.
A few reminders
Please be reminded of some of our key events to commence the year:
Monday 3 February - Foundation classes commence, P & F Meeting at 7.00pm
Wednesday 5 February - Parent Information Night - 6.00pm
Monday 7 February - BBQ Evening for Ignite and Youth Groups
Thursday 13 February - Anniversary of the Apology
Monday 17 - Wednesday 19 February - Year 5/6 Camp
Wednesday 26 February - Principal Tours
Friday 28 February - Ignite Water Evening
Tuesday 4 March - Middle of Term Breakfast - Shrove Tuesday Pancakes
Wednesday 5 March - Ash Wednesday
Our full school claendar can also be viewed on the school website.
Will Wallace