Take note

Hot off the press | 2024 College publications
Families will have their holiday reading material sorted with the 2024 Santa Maria yearbook heading home with students this week, along with the December edition of the Alma Mater (our biannual magazine which features significant College events and stories of current and past students and staff).
Both the Santa Maria and Alma Mater will be distributed to the eldest (and only) child in each family. Students in Years 10–12 will have the opportunity to collect their copies at the Senior School Prize Giving Evening tomorrow night. Students in Years 7–9 will be invited to take home their publications on Friday.
If you require an additional copy of either publication, or you didn't receive a Santa Maria or an Alma Mater and would like to, please visit the College Office or email communications@smc.tas.edu.au.
Yearbook cover art
Congratulations to Frankie Schaller (Year 3) whose eye-catching artwork was selected as the cover of the 2024 Santa Maria yearbook!
Connect offline for holidays
Please be informed that our learning management system, Connect, will be unavailable from Monday 16 December 2024 to Monday 3 February 2025 due to scheduled maintenance over the school holiday period. During this time, both student and parent access to Connect will be closed.
Reminder: Connect parent survey closing soon
This is a friendly reminder that our Connect parent survey will be closing this Friday 13 December.
We value your feedback and encourage you to take a moment to complete the short survey online via the links below.
Your input is essential in helping us improve the usability of the platform for families. Thank you for your time and participation.
Library books
Please check for any library books that might be 'hiding’ at home or in bags and return them to the Student Resource Centre or to the Student Services office before Friday.
Murphy's Café | Final day of trade tomorrow
Be sure to pop by Murphy's tomorrow (Thursday 12 December) for one last tasty bite before the Café closes for the year.
Students are reminded to bring a packed lunch to school on Friday 13 December (if they are not participating in the sausage sizzle), as QKR! online ordering will be unavailable.
Thank you to all families for supporting Murphy's Cafe in 2024. Mr Phil Shanny and the team look forward to seeing all your smiling faces in the new year.
Office hours
The College Business Office will close for the year on Friday 20 December at 12.00pm. The office will reopen on Monday 6 January 2025.
Hours of operation
Please note the College opening hours for 2025:
- 9.00am – 3.00pm Monday to Friday (during school holidays)
- 8.00am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday (during term time)
Communication with the College during the holidays
If you need to get in touch during the school holidays, you are welcome to email us, or you can phone the office during business hours on (03) 6108 2560. Please be aware that not all staff will be checking their emails at this time, and an immediate reply should not be expected.
If you have an urgent matter, please send the email to College Principal, Damian Messer at dmesser@smc.tas.edu.au
Outside of School Hours Care
The St Mary's College Outside of School Hours Care program for 2024 concludes on Friday 13 December. The holiday care program commences on Monday 16 December as per communication sent directly to families.
Holiday care is provided from 8.00am to 6.00pm Mondays to Fridays during all school holidays except between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, and on public holidays.
For bookings and more information regarding OSHC, please contact CatholicCare on 1300 119 455.
2025 term dates and resources
For important back-to-school information and the term dates for 2025, please refer to the Back to School Toolkit, which you can view on the College website here.
Metro bus services | Update and fare changes for 2025
Please take note of the following information provided by Metro Tasmania regarding its back-to-school services for 2025.
Metro’s school bus services will begin on Thursday 6 February 2025.
Further travel information can be found on the Metro Tasmania website.
Uniform Shop
A reminder that the Midford Sandy Bay Uniform Shop will close for the holidays on Friday 20 December at 4.30pm. Further information is available in the flyer below and in the Back to School Toolkit.