From the Wellbeing Leader

Jessica Robinson

Lutheran Care Christmas Donations- A message from Year 5

This year our Year 5 children have arranged for us at St Paul Lutheran School to collect Christmas donations for Lutheran Care to provide some Christmas joy to families in our local community. "Christmas is a special time for everyone and we are very grateful to help those families in need during the festive time. The Year 5 children have decorated the bags with Christmas drawings and inspiring messages to make sure that everyone has a Merry Christmas."

We are looking for Christmas treats such as: Chocolates, nuts, crackers, chips, pretzels, lollies, mince pies and toys for children aged between 1 and 14 years. Donations can be brought into classrooms or to the front office. All donations will need to be received by Friday 1 December. Thank you to those who have already donated items, they are sure to bring joy this Christmas. 

Term 4 Chapels and Assemblies

If you would like to watch our Chapels or Assemblies from home, you can view them through our closed Facebook group. If you need support to access this, please let us know.

Wednesday Chapel

This term we are exploring the story of Christmas each week in Chapel. Everyone is welcome to come along Wednesday morning at 9am. Thank you to 5 Lethborg for leading us this morning. Our final two Chapels for the year will be:

Week 8 (6/12) Reception Christmas Concert (see attached flyer) book a spot through this link:

Week 9 (13/11) All welcome to our Closing Chapel with Pastor Matt. This will be held outside on the courts with a coffee van onsite (see attached flyer)

Friday Assemblies

Our final two assemblies for the term will be held in the hall at 9am:

Week 7 (1/12) Sports Presentation

Week 8 (8/12) Presentation Assembly


Please join us for some upcoming special events