From the Deputy Principal

Jason Fay

Class Parties

In Week 9, on December 12, all classes will have a chance to celebrate the end of the school year with a party. Given that our ‘Picnic @ Pauls’ event was cancelled due to the extreme heat (remember those days?), we would like to invite parents to join us for part of the day. From 12.00-1.30pm, you can register via Trybooking link to attend a fun part of the day. There will be games to join in and fun to be had in a variety of ways. We would love for as many parents to attend as possible to finish the year with a splash! Keep an eye on your class seesaws for more details soon. 


End of Year Reports will be available on Friday the 8th of December. These reports are indicative of achievement across the entire year in each key learning area specified in the Australian Curriculum. Teachers will also provide feedback in the form of comments in the areas of English, Mathematics as well as a concluding classroom teacher comment.

As reports are no longer printed, they can only be accessed by the school portal on our website or the school app. If you require any assistance with accessing your account, please speak to a member of the admin team. 

Week 7 and 8 Assembly 

This week we will hold our annual Sport Presentation Assembly. Children who have represented the school on the sports field this year will be recognised for their achievements and representation.

In Week 8, we celebrate our annual Presentation Assembly. School Captains and Community Leaders for 2024 will be announced and presented, the Magazine cover (front and back) will be revealed and other groups such as SRC, Choir and Chapel Band will also be recognised. 

These are very celebrations for children as they are publicly acknowledged for their achievements and contributions across a whole year. If you can arrange to be at school on these mornings, come along and join us, or watch along on the livestream in our closed Facebook group.