From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

Thank You Volunteers

Each year, our children and staff benefit from the help of volunteers in many areas. This term in particular has been a huge term of volunteering for events, swimming, excursions and camps, as well as other supports. Thank you to all volunteers who support us at St Paul, you make so many extra things possible for us and for your children – what a blessing!

Thank You Teachers

At the time of writing this, teachers have been spending long hours and most likely the past several weeknights and weekends writing your child’s school reports as well as meeting together for class allocation discussions. I am thankful for the commitment that each of our teachers shows in taking the time to accurately reflect the learning and development of every child in his/her class, whilst also continuing the valuable classroom teaching and learning during the last few weeks of the year.

Reception Christmas Concert

I look forward to seeing many of our Reception families at our Reception Christmas Concert next week, on Wednesday 6 December from 9am. Our Reception children have been working with Miss Gracey, Miss Dixon, Mr Huxtable and Mrs Janetzki to prepare a great program for us. Parents, please remember to sign up using the Trybooking link, which you will find on the flyer.