Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

It was fantastic to see our new Prep students for 2024 at their special Mass yesterday. It was hosted by the current prep families, who as Fr Dispin noted are officially graduating from Prep. They all stood on the altar together and the current prep students handed a special letter to each of the new preps, welcoming them into the community.

Bebras Computational Challenge 

Round 2 of Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge was held at school during weeks 8 and 9 of term 3 this year. Congratulations to all of the students in years 3-6 who participated in the Bebras Challenge. We are very proud of our students results and special mention goes to the following students:


Honour Roll: Ben P. (perfect score)

High Distinction: Sebastian A and Penelope W.

Distinction: Jasper, Chelsea, Charlize, Isaac R, Allegra, Erika, Scarlett and Gabi.

Credit: James K, Jackson, Abigail, Lola, Lachlan K, Calvin, Alana and Juan F.

Carols on the Green - Thursday, 7 December

This week we will host our Carols on the Green Christmas Concert

Please arrive by 5.45pm for a 6.00pm start. All students are expected to attend as part of our music program and to support their class. They have been learning their carols for several weeks and are very excited to perform for you all. It is a wonderful night for our whole school community. Please bring your own picnic chairs or picnic blankets. It will be on the multipurpose court. The railway carpark gates will be open so I recommend that you park at the back of the school. The students will be sitting with their class teachers for the duration of the show. It is expected to conclude at 7.00pm.

Whole School End of Year Mass

A lovely tradition at St John's is our End of Year Mass in the evening, to celebrate a great year of learning, friendships and our beautiful community. It is an evening to farewell our Year 6 students and any leaving families. The Year 1 students will be there to farewell their year 6 buddies and to give them a special blessing also. I look forward to seeing you all there at 7.00pm on Thursday, 14 December.


Our class teachers for 2024 will be:

Prep - Ms Cara Woolley

Year 1/2A - Ms Clorinda Maio

Year 1/2B - Mrs Nicole Webb and Mrs Anna Hendy

Year 3/4A - Ms Rebecca Stuart

Year 3/4B - Mrs Marisa Box

Year 5/6A - Mrs Allison Bayliss 

Year 5/6B - Mrs Tracey Farrar

Year 5/6C - To be announced


The students will meet their new teachers next Monday for a transition session. We are delighted to welcome both Cara Woolley and Rebecca Stuart to our staff team for 2024.

At the end of the year we will farewell Rhett Masters, as he is taking up a new teaching position at Holy Trinity. Lisa Read will be taking on a STEM teaching role at St Richards and Tyler Boyd has decided to step away from teaching. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours and thank them for their contributions to St John's throughout the year. I would particularly like to thank Rhett for his contributions to our Maths program and his support in his leadership role. 

We also welcome Louise and Prue to our learning support officer team for next year, as Sherie has taken up a new position at Our Lady's. We wish her all the best for 2024. Each class will continue to have a dedicated learning support officer working with them and we will continue to offer our extension and intervention programs next year. We are delighted to welcome back Emma Pattison, from maternity leave, who will be working part time as our new PE teacher. Naomi Ryan will be taking maternity leave next year as she is due in early March with her second baby. We look forward to her special news early next year and wish her well. A full staff list will be sent out at the beginning of next year.

Student Reports

Early next week the student reports will be sent out via the PAM portal. Please ensure that you have saved PAM to your phone or computer home screen for easy access.

If you would like to meet with the class teachers to discuss the report please make a time on Monday or Thursday before or after school.

Extension Education Showcase

On Wednesday, 6 December,  between 9am and 10am, the students who have been participating in the Extension Education program will be presenting what they have been working on in our Extension Education Showcase. 

Everyone is welcome to come and see what they have investigated, researched and produced. We look forward to seeing you in the Mary MacKillop space on Wednesday.

Vinnies Christmas Appeal

Every year we support the Vinnies Christmas Appeal as a major Social Justice action. We ask that every family contributes either canned food for the Christmas Hampers or a $20 Gift Card to a major retail store.

Backpacks for Kids

Congratulations to our Year 5/6 students who raised over $1000 to buy backpacks for kids, which will support children in need and those in foster care.

The backpacks are full of essential items as well as a few gifts for each child. Thank-you for supporting the mini market last week and all of the students innovative stalls.

Halliday Park Picnic

You are all invited to come along to our Halliday park picnic on Monday, 11 December at 11am. Thank-you to the parents who have offered to help cook the BBQ and serve the sausages and icy-poles. We are very grateful for your support.

Lions Cakes

If you would like to order a Lions Christmas Cake please come into the school foyer and use the QR code on the poster to place your order. Alternatively the QR code and list of cakes and prices is under Community News in this newsletter.

 Joke of the Week

How did the elves know it was going to rain? Because Rudolph the red-knows-rain, deer!

Have a peaceful week!


Verona Gridley
