Mission & Religious Education News

FAQs! Why do we have 'ordinary' Sundays?
You may notice over the Church year changes in the colours of the vestments of the priest and the altar. Different colours are used to symbolise the truths and sentiments expressed by tIn between all the special festive occasions that occur in the life of a family there are many days that we might call 'ordinary'. Filled with daily rituals - preparing meals, going to work, dropping the kids at footy practice - they are an essential dimension of family life. Our church calendar, too, has periods called Sundays in Ordinary Time or Sundays of the Year which are numbered consecutively. In between all of the 'special occasions' (various Christian feasts and seasons) they are the sustaining celebrations of our life together as a faith family.
Upcoming Feast Days
Wed 15 | Saint Albert the Great |
Thu 16 | Saint Margaret of Scotland, Saint Gertrude |
Fri 17 | Saint Elizabeth of Hungary |
Sat 18 | Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul |
Mon 20 | Monday of week 33 in Ordinary Time |
Tue 21 | The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Wed 22 | Saint Cecilia |
Thu 23 | Saint Clement I, Saint Columbanus |
Fri 24 | Saints Andrew Dũng-Lạc and his Companions |
Sat 25 | Catherine of Alexandria |
REC Cluster Meeting
Reminder to RECs that the term 4 cluster zoom meetings will be held on Wednesday November 22. Zoom links to follow closer to the day.
Plains Cluster - 8.00am
Foothills - 9.00am
Tablelands - 9.00am
Secondary - 2.00pm