Student Awards

Students of the Week

Flynn B, 6B - for thriving during transition and having an awesome year =) Well done Flynn!




Arya S, 4A - for the extraordinary effort you put into all of your schooling. Well done!


Charlie C, 4A - for an amazing year! Your hardworking and kindness to others make you a wonderful human! Keep it up, Charlie!


Danny P, 4B - for the exceptional effort he has put into his homework each and every week.


Tom C, 4C - For his meticulous and extensive research about migration into Australia in the 19th Century. Well done!

Natalie S, 4D - for the extraordinary effort she has put into learning her times tables this year. Well done!


Toby L, 5A - for always putting maximum effort into the presentation of every task he is faced with.


Josh L, 5B - for always thinking about what needs to be done and doing it!


Joe P, 5C - for consistently demonstrating a strong commitment to excellence in the classroom.


Louis S, 6A - for a fantastic year. Thanks for being such a great member of 6A, Louis!


Caitlin K, 6A - for all your help with our concert dance. We appreciate your leadership in this area, Caitlin!


Japanese Ninja Star Awards

Danielle M, 3B- for participating in all activities enthusiastically and working hard in Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Mia C, 4D - for working diligently and being a great contributor in Japanese class. 

すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Isabella H, 5A - for being an enthusiastic learner and always showing a positive attitude during Japanese lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Gaston L, 6D - for completing tasks in time and asking good questions to deepen Japanese grammar. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"