Japanese News Term 4 2023

Calligraphy Competition Winners!

Our Year 1 to Year 6 students had opportunities to learn and try Japanese brush calligraphy. The students practice writing on special calligraphy paper using a brush and ink. In addition to brush calligraphy, Year 6 students tried pencil calligraphy.


The calligraphy activity was introduced in line with the JLTAV (Japanese Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria) Calligraphy competition, which had a specific theme. 


Brush Calligraphy State prize winners

Primary Year 1/2 Division, Second: Freddie P

Primary Year 1/2 Division, Third: Sonny A


Pencil Calligraphy State prize winners

Primary Year 5/6 Division, Second: Elliot K

Congratulations! おめでとうございます!(Omedetou gozaimasu!)

Web Exchange with Japanese Schools 

In Term 4, 3B, 4B and all Grade 5 classes had opportunities to meet Japanese students via Zoom/Google Meet. 3B and 4B students met Hoshin Primary School in Osaka, 5C with Sanakouchi Primary School in Tokushima, and 5A, 5B and 5D students with Niigata University Primary School in Niigata. 


The students tried greeting, school introduction and true/false quiz in Japanese and learnt about Japanese culture.


Niigata Shinbun (newspaper) wrote an article about the exchange.  Our students enjoyed talking to Japanese students, and this experience gave them a closer bond with Japanese students. 


Well done everyone! よくできました!(yoku dekimashita)