PFA News

End of Year Wrap Up

Each year I reflect on the year we have had, and boy did this year bring a lot!

I tried to think way back to Term 1, I hope there are things I have not forgot!

Term 1 started smoothly, class reps all signed up and with that wrote a list of our plan,

When will things be?  What events will we have? Let’s go! 2023 began…


Wine and cheese night, a great night of fun to kick of the year that will be,

The usual suspects all came to join in and new faces were so nice to see.

We dressed up and smiled and posed our best poses for the professional photo shoot,

Dresses and skirts and makeup galore, I’m pretty sure some dads wore a suit!

The walk-a-thon in Term 2 was insane, each family collected so much money!

HERRRby was there, smiles all around, oh and the coffee van flop- that’s not so funny!


An ‘Appreciation day’ stall we held, to thank our amazing mums let’s be fair,

Kids with the cash and purses so cute, bowls and candles a buzz in the air.

A night out for mums so much fun it was packed, and prizes there were a plenty

Champagne and nibbles a truly great vibe, arancini balls I think I had twenty!

We went to the movies to finish the term, its so great to get together out of school

Popcorn and choc tops and HERRRby again, lucky no one played the fool.

The kids drew some pictures and we made them look cute to raise more funds for our crew,

Tea towels and diaries and notebooks were bought, so much on offer to name but a few.


Term 3 was a mad term… all quiet and then, 3 events so close together…

Disco and donuts and parent party, thank goodness none were affected by the weather.

First came the disco now this one’s a hit, the kids truly had a ball!

The joy that it brings it’s a highlight for sure and boy did we decorate that hall!

Coffee and hot chocolates and donuts for all, a simple yet classy affair,

To bring everyone together it’s what we do best, to show how much we love and care.

The parent night out, oh what a blast, the hall saw hats and wigs galore!

The champagne was clinking and trivia fun meant the night was certainly no bore.

We held a stall on footy day to sell chocolates for the crazy kids,

Selling and tapping we couldn’t go fast enough, ‘here have lolly cups with no lids!’


Term 4 saw our first ‘family fun day’ and wow was this a real success!

Smiles all around, the laughter and joy, can we do it again? I say yes!

Each term we sell uniforms, second hand is the GPS way,

And last week 200 trays of mangoes we sold, not one went astray.

 Now these events are all hard and our feet all get hurt, but each of you do so well!

Our kids are so lucky our community too, the hugest thank you I do tell.

We have fun while we do it, we laugh and we cry, our PFA is the best

So thank you to each and every one of you- you're better than the rest!


 Robyn, proud PFA President 2023