President's Report

Upon reflecting on the past year there is a sense of resolution and finality to many things. 


We have seen the completion of projects that took longer than expected, with finally having the external staircase in place, the shade sail in the senior yard installed, the children’s toilets fully functional, and the Art Room is coming to completion with some minor landscaping works.  We’ve also overcome the arduous budgeting nightmare around staffing and camps. These are the endings that conjure a sigh of relief. 


It has been a busy year, with a gamut of accomplishments, including digitising the newsletter, funding the SRC’s request for sports equipment, and trialling the Walk to School initiative.  We’ve also enjoyed another successful and jam-packed year of fundraising and social activities curated by our energetic PFA. Yes, a busy year but also a long one, and I think many of us are looking forward to the end of this year to recuperate and re-energise. 


Then there are the sad conclusions, in the passing of our neighbour Jim, where ANZAC day assemblies will never be the same. 


However, with the end of things inevitably comes new beginnings. You finish a chapter; you start a new one.   


Next year we already have many new projects in the pipeline – first and foremost, our School Masterplan will be revealed at a School Council meeting early next year; the Junior Campus shade structure will go ahead; and the school’s rebranding will herald a new era.  There is a lot more for our School Council to focus on, and I am sure they are all up for the challenge next year. 


So, with that thought, I’d like to thank our School Council members who have provided their expertise, advice, skills, and most importantly their time in working cooperatively and diligently to ensure these successes.   


Thank you also to our hardworking PFA, the Class Reps and all our families who have volunteered and supported initiatives across the year. Our school community is stronger for your valuable contributions. 


Finally, on behalf of the school community I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all of our teachers, support staff, admin staff and leadership team at Gardenvale for another great year.   


Best wishes to all for the festive season and summer holidays. 


Thank you,

Tricia Ciampa

School Council President 2023