Principal's Report

School Concert Tonight

A reminder that the Concert will start at 7.00pm and children are to be seated with their teacher and class by 6.45pm. Children may like to bring a drink of water and a jacket, but no phones or food! Families are most welcome to come early, bring the whole family, bring a picnic rug and food and enjoy some free time before the concert.  Please note for the concert there will be areas for picnic rugs behind the students, then beach chairs behind the rugs and also a designated section for people taking photos. We are really trying to cater so that everyone can view and enjoy the concert in a respectful environment!


Billy Cart Grand Prix

Last Friday Gardenvale PS came to life with the thrills and spills of the Annual Year 6 Billy Cart Grand Prix!  After 6 weeks of impressive team building, billy carts were produced, team names decided upon and costumes were designed.  This event provides an ideal opportunity for the whole school to come together and cheer on each of the teams. It is really great to see the way the Year 6 students work together and support each other through the good times and even when the wheels fall off or go flat! Thank you to all of the teachers and parents that made this event possible and supported the day in any way. Once again it is events like this that make Gardenvale a very special school! 


Goldstein Award

Zoe Daniels, the Federal Member of Parliament for Goldstein, attended our Senior Campus Assembly yesterday. Zoe announced the winner of the Goldstein Award.  This award is named in honour of Vida Goldstein and recognises a Year 5 student for their accomplishments in their schooling and contribution to the school. A big congratulations to Ella-Rose for receiving this year’s Goldstein Award, a very worthy winner.  


End of Year Reports 

End of Year Student Reports will be available on Compass by 4.00pm this Friday 15th December. 


See you at the concert!

Janine Hall