Physical Education Focus

A Terrific Year!

As the year draws to a close I would like to reflect on an amazing year 2023. Along with all the learning, games and activities that take place within weekly PE lessons there has been a lot of extra things going on.


This year has seen:

  • Year  6 students compete in three interschool sports gala days. 
  • Year 5 students have participated in three additional sports programs delivered as part of the alternative sports program, with Ultimate Frisbee, Wheelchair Basketball and Table Tennis.
  • Year 3 – 6 students had the opportunity to compete in our House Cross Country and Year 4 – 6s participated in House Athletics events.
  • And this Wednesday, we have the much anticipated return of our House Swimming Carnival. 


Junior School Sports Day

Finally, on Friday the Foundation – Year 2 students participated in the Junior School Sports Day. The morning activities for this day were all organised by our wonderful Year 6s and below is a collection of photos that reflect the day better than I ever could with words.


~ Geoff McShane, PE Teacher & Sports Coordinator