Culture Team Interviews 

Creating Futures Together 

On Friday, 3rd November, our College conducted the inaugural group interviews for the newly formed Culture Team—a central part of our evolving leadership structure which also includes the LEAP Team and the Global Team. The session was a pivotal moment, laying the foundation for a leadership approach that values every student's voice. 


The Culture Team's mission is to boost school spirit and ensure every event resonates with our students' collective pride. The interviews aimed to select a Culture Team Leader and House Leaders for the next school year, individuals who would lead the charge in organising and executing school-wide initiatives. 



Students from Year 7 through Year 12 collaborated in groups, brainstorming on topics from improving communication channels to promoting house spirit. They shared ideas, discussed strategies, and proposed innovative solutions. 


The feedback underscored the session's success in fostering teamwork and mutual understanding. Students appreciated working with new faces and valued the discussions that took place. As one attendee put 

it, "I enjoyed engaging with new, unfamiliar people who I wouldn't talk to normally," highlighting the session's success in broadening social networks. Another expressed, "We got an opportunity to experience what would be expected of us as leaders," underscoring the practical insights gained. It was particularly noteworthy that all feedback respondents recommended that other students apply for leadership positions in the future, reflective of a positive and inspiring experience. 

We thank Ms. Lay, Ms. Pryde, and Mr. Joyce, along with our 2024 Executive Leaders, Hannah Shay, and Molly, for their contributions to the success of these interviews. 


With the Culture Team set to be a cornerstone of our leadership landscape alongside the LEAP and Global Teams, we are excited to announce that all leadership positions should be confirmed by the end of next week. 


This process marked the beginning of a journey towards a leadership ethos that champions engagement and represents the diverse voices of our student body.