Our Faith - Religious Education

End of Year Whole School Mass
Thank you Father Paul Anthony for Celebrating Mass at school today for the end of 2023 & to farewell Year 6.
Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Mass Times
Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Weekend Mass Times are Saturday 9 am & 6 pm
and Sunday - 8 am, 10 am and 5.30 pm.
Currently weekend Masses are being celebrated in the De La Salle Chapel at O'Connor due to the roof repairs at the Cathedral.
Christmas Mass Times
The Third Sunday in Advent - REJOICE -17th Dec
This upcoming Sunday, we celebrate “Gaudete Sunday,” the Third Sunday of Advent.
The Latin word Gaudete means “Rejoice!” On this day, we rejoice in the nearness of the celebration of Christmas. To signal this, rose vestments may be worn by the celebrant, instead of the typical violet for Advent.
Also, the third candle on the Advent wreath is rose coloured. Rose signifies joy.
We are called to be “perfectly holy.” Following God’s will and allowing His grace to transform us leads to true happiness. Let us, seek Him, trust Him, and obey Him to find the deep joy that can only be found in God.
Prayer Card
Last week students were offered a prayer card for peace in the Holy Land. In light of the unfolding situation in Israel and Palestine, the Aid to the Church in Need produced these prayer cards to distribute to Catholic parishes and schools. Together, let us pray...
Diocesan Prayer Card
A Diocesan Prayer has been written and published.