P&F Association News

Committee Members
President - Joanne Ward
Vice President - Kylie Wanschers
Secretary - Claire Hammond
Treasurer - Bernadette Garratt
BBQ & Catering - Christine Fittler
At the P&F we aim to build community spirit and to fundraise along the way. This year the P & F has been a small but very committed group that comes together twice a term to plan and run events throughout the year. This year we have had a Welcome BBQ, Hot Cross Bun Drive, Art Show, 2 Discos, a Trivia Night, Pie & Lamington Drive, Fete and we finished off with a picnic and Christmas carols.
2023 Fundraising Activity
This year we have helped bring the school community together on 8 occasions and we have raised funds after cost to the sum of $18862.01!
We asked Belinda, “What do you want to spend the money on?” In the past, it has been the turf, soccer nets, chrome books/ipads, chargers, furniture, the BBQ. The list goes on. This year it was suggested a new PA system was needed, so we spent $10,000 on a new PA system. At the last meeting, our account balance in round figures was $30,000. We like to spend the money the year we make it. It didn’t take Mrs Cain long to get excited when we agreed to spend $20,000 to upgrade the Library. So hopefully early next year Mrs Cain will be welcoming everyone into our new Library. This money will benefit every child in the school through lessons borrowing books and I’m told break times are very busy too!
There are advantages of coming and helping out or attending meetings. You gain new friends, become more involved in your children’s educational journey, you learn more about how the school functions, and you get the satisfaction of knowing that you’re contributing to your child’s school journey. It’s a real and tangible way of being in partnership with the school. So please, I ask that you come and help out. It is never too early or too late to come and get involved. We would really appreciate anyone’s help - mums and/or dads - in any way that you are capable, big or small, we appreciate it all.
Lastly, a couple of thank yous. It’s probably a little dangerous to mention too many names, but there are a couple of people who have really helped a lot this year.
Belinda and Dale, you both are so committed to helping the P&F. We really do appreciate and value your commitment and enthusiasm.
To the executive Kylie Wanschers, Claire Hammond and Bernadette Garratt. A big thanks to Christine Fittler. Any time we cater for anything it is Christine who has organised it all. It is a really big job. So thank you.
To all the other Committee members who have given up their time to come to the meetings, thank you. To Sarah Clarke and David Crosby who took on the role of fete Co-ordinators, the effort you put in showed through in the result of the fete. What a great event it was!
Finally, a thank you to all of you who have helped at any event, cooked, supervised or just turned up and supported the events, we thank you.
Before I go, a couple of Save-the-Dates. Week 3, Tuesday February 13th, is our Welcome BBQ. Everyone is welcome, the whole family, free BBQ and kids will all get a free Zooper Dooper. Then our first meeting will be Week four, Wednesday the 21st of February 5:30pm in the Staff Room.
I want to make sure you all know that each and every one of you are welcome and invited to attend meetings and help out at any of our events. We would absolutely love to have you join us.
On behalf of the P&F, we wish you a very happy, holy and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Jo Ward
P&F President