Grade 4 Community News

Hello Grade 4 families!
We are very close to Christmas holidays!!! But our students' constant determination and commitment to their learning is unwavering. Students have been consolidating ideas and information throughout their learning over the past few weeks.
In Reading, the students have been learning about ‘Early and Medieval African Kingdoms’ through their R2L unit. Over the past few weeks, students have been completing the last lessons in our R2L unit. They have acquired a deeper understanding of Africa and the rise and fall of famous kingdoms of Africa. Students have been learning about the Songhai Empire, which was one of the most powerful empires of African history that Askia Muhammad ruled, and how this empire thrived. They also learnt about one of the wealthiest and most educated Muslim travellers, Ibn Battuta. Students have also researched more information about Africa and the topics that intrigued them. Students are fascinated by learning about the country, its geography and all the eminent people.
In vocabulary, students are continuing to explore new words from our serial text, ‘The Indian in the Cupboard’. In Morphology, students are further practising adding different suffixes, such as -able and -ible, and explaining how the meaning of a word changes when these suffixes are applied.
In Writing, the students are demonstrating their skills that they learnt about writing information reports using information from their R2L unit ‘African Kingdoms’. They are reminded to use body paragraphs, introduction and conclusion for their report. Students have been using a Multiple Paragraph Outline (MPO) and language features in their body paragraphs, such as figurative language, appositives, comparative language, present tense and third-person perspective, to structure their information reports. They also had the opportunity to use their voice to choose how they published their information reports.
In Maths, the students have been revisiting their previous learning about Chance and Data. They had more opportunities to practise describing everyday events and ordering their chances of occurring, and describing chances where the chance of one event does not impact the occurrence of another. They also learnt to represent gathered data in different ways, such as column graphs, dot plots, line graphs, pie charts and pictographs.
Music Incursion
On Friday the 15th of December, students will have the opportunity to experience a musical incursion by Brass Bedlam. They will get to see a live performance where they can observe each instrument being played, as well as participate in an educational discussion about music and brass instruments. The cost of this incursion is $2 and payments can be made via Compass.
In Terms 1 and 4, all students must have a Tarneit Rise hat to wear at recess and lunch. Hats are available to purchase from the office if your child needs one.
It is crucial that all students are attending school every day so they can work on their learning goals and don’t miss important lessons. Please book holidays during school holiday periods rather than during the school term to make sure valuable learning time is not missed.