Grade 3 Community News

Dear PLC 3 families,
As the end of the term is near, students have continued to work very hard and complete work to such high standards. We have been very proud of our students this year and are looking forward to celebrating all of their hard work by completing lots of fun activities and hosting PLC 3 performances. Each class will get the chance to perform a song and dance which will be lots of fun!
Our Excursion to Scienceworks Museum was a big success, students were able to consolidate their knowledge through the ‘Tycho Goes to Mars’ show in the Planetarium. This learning is directly linked to Astronomy where students have further developed an understanding of the solar system and galaxies.
In writing students continue to improve on their note taking skills, using symbols and abbreviations such as ) ->, +, =, /, b/c, w/o, w/, &. This is an important skill that students will continue to use into their senior years of study.
Students are completing revision tasks to greater their understanding of addition and subtraction. The Grade 3s are revising increasing and decreasing number patterns, vertical addition and subtraction as well as vertical multiplication.
Reminders/Important dates:
- Brass Band incursion for grades 3-6 is on the 15th of December.
- PLC 3 performance 19th of December
- Last Day of Term 4 is the 20th of December, school finishes at 1 30pm.
Have a wonderful holiday!
The Grade 3 PLC team.