Grade 2 Community News

Dear Grade 2 Parents and Families,
It is hard to believe that we are at the end of our grade 2 adventure. It has been a very busy last few weeks in grade 2. Busy full of learning and like always, having lots of fun. In the last couple of weeks, we have finished up our Maths topic of money, we have been revising our Syntax lessons as well as finishing up our Read to Learn topics. As we head closer to end of the year, we have been reflecting on all the learning, growing and fun we have had this year and getting ready for grade 3!
Step Up Day!
On Tuesday 12th of December, we had a very important day, we had Step Up Day. To prepare for Step Up Day the grade 2 students wrote letters to their 2024 teachers introducing themselves and letting their teachers get to know a little about themselves. It was such an exciting day meeting our grade 3 teachers, giving them our letters, and getting to know our new classmates. There were lots of fun activities to do to get to know each other. Everyone had a great time and displayed our school values of Kindness and Respect when meeting our new teachers and peers. We know that we are all ready and prepared to take on a new adventure in grade 3 in 2024.
Science Works Excursion
The grade 2 cohort was very lucky to have our last excursion at Scienceworks. It was a great way to end our Read to Learn topic of Health where we have been learning all about the different systems in our bodies and the importance of having a well-balanced diet. It was also a treat to be able to go to the Planetarium and watch Tycho goes to the Moon. We got to spend some time in the light room learning all about light and colours as well as using and seeing some very cool futuristic exhibits. It was definitely the highlight of the term being able to visit Scienceworks!
End of Year Performance
On Monday the 18th of December the grade 2s will be putting on some special end of year performances. Classes have been working hard in the last few weeks getting their performances ready and making them perfect. Some classes have even been making their own props. Parents and families are invited to join and celebrate our end of year. The performances will take place on Monday the 18th of December from 8:55am to 10:55am in the school gym. We can’t wait to see you all there!!!
Navya, Indi and Rhythm made some awesome prop guitars for their performance!
A Message from the PLC 2 Teachers
We would like to thank all the wonderful grade 2 parents and families for the ongoing support this year. We have had a wonderful year watching all our students grow and learn together and become responsible and inspiring members of our school community. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know them and seeing them flourish into kind and caring people. We wish all a very safe and happy holidays!
(Ms. Cope was absent for the photo L )