Prep Community News

Dear Prep Families,
As the year comes to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible journey of growth, discovery and countless precious moments our Preps have had.
Our students have begun their transition to grade 1 and are excited to continue their learning experience in the new year.
In our reading lessons, we have been exploring different ways we can take care of our planet Earth. We have learned about the terms, reduce, reuse and recycle. In class, we have shared ways we can help our planet earth to keep it a clean and safe environment for all living things.
We also discovered that fruit and vegetable scraps, grass clippings, coffee grounds and paper tea bags can be placed into a compost bin.
In our writing lessons, we have been learning how to write different types of lists. We identified the purpose and features of lists. Our students got to write various lists such as shopping lists, wish lists, to do lists and what to pack for a holiday.
We have also learnt about writing cards and letters. Students were able to identify the features of letters and who they can be addressed to. Grade prep students were so excited to meet their grade 1 teacher, they wrote their new teacher a letter and included details about their interests, asked questions and closed the letter addressing who it’s from.
During our maths lessons, we have been busy revisiting topics and units we have learned throughout the year. We have explored and extended our knowledge on subitising, subtraction, addition, and sharing. Students have had the opportunity to answer open ended questions to show and represent their thinking in multiple ways.
Some new words we have learnt during our Vocabulary lessons were:
Slithered | Bright | Surprise | Ripe |
to move smoothly over a surface with a twisting motion
| to shine a lot of light | When something unexpected happens. | When a fruit, vegetable or grain is ready to eat. |
Animal Land Children’s Farm:
Our children visited Animal Land on the 1st of December and had a blast. They got to experience what life would be like working on a farm. We had the most fun filled day riding ponies, scooping animal poop, feeding the ducks, milking the cows, feeding the sheep and so much more.