Grade 6 Community News

Hello Year 6 Families, Guardians and Carers,
What an exciting end of the year we have had! The grade sixes have been busy out of the classroom celebrating their last term in primary school and brushing up on their swimming skills. The weather has been hot, but perfect for our swimmers who have worked hard for their lessons, as well as enjoying Geelong Adventure Park.
We also celebrated our grade sixes through our Vision Day. We would like to thank the Wellbeing team for the hard work that went into organising the day where we could talk all things high school! The students participated in an identity activity, as well as a scavenger hunt. We also had some local youth organisations and high schools visit and provide information and answer any of their questions.
With the time we have had in the classroom, the students have been busy putting the finishing touches on their yearbooks. The final products look amazing and they will make a wonderful time capsule for students to keep and reflect on their primary school years for many years to come.
The students are also busy rehearsing for graduation night, so that they are all prepared for you. We can’t wait to celebrate with you all!
Reminders for the last few days:
Friday 15th Dec: Music Incursion
Monday 18th Dec: Graduation Night
As this is the last newsletter your child may receive from Tarneit Rise Primary School, we would like to say a big thank you for your support over the years. We have thoroughly enjoyed teaching your children and welcoming them through our doors each day. We wish you all the best in the transition to high school and hope your children know how proud we are of them!
Mr. Perryman, Mrs. Ostyn, Mr. Sandry, Ms Stafford, Mrs Singh and Ms Pearce.