Principal's Message

Dear parents/ caregivers of Tarneit Rise Primary School,
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to the following children and their families who have recently joined the Tarneit Rise Primary School community:
Year One: Samara
Year Two: Kareem
Year Three: Jason
Year Five: Reem
This marks the final edition of the ‘Rise and Shine’ for 2023. What a very full year it has been here at Tarneit Rise Primary School. As the year draws to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the journey we have shared. It has been a year filled with growth and achievements and unforgettable moments and events that have made our school community stronger than it has ever been. Amid the challenges and changes of this year our children have continued to experience high quality education and the best community for learning- a community that is inclusive, safe, engaging, and supportive of children’s mental health and wellbeing. This has safeguarded the vision we have for each child that being, to ensure all learners acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become lifelong learners, who shape the world around them and who believe that with effort, great things can be achieved. This has happened not by luck or good fortune, but because of the consistent hard work of staff at Tarneit Rise Primary School and strong home school partnerships.
To our graduating class of 2023, we wish you all the very best as you embark on the exciting journey that lies ahead. We encourage you to carry with you the values of respect, responsibility, kindness, and growth that have been instilled in you during your time here. Embrace new challenges with an open mind, treat others with respect and empathy, and never underestimate the power of your own potential!
We would like to farewell the following staff who will not be returning to our school in 2024. We thank you for all your work in supporting the children, families and staff at Tarneit Rise Primary School and we wish you all the very best for your future endeavours. Au revoir Leah Mackie, Brittany Bell, Marina Portelli, Iain Brown, Becca Varela, Paris Enever, Madeleine Hodgson, Kathy Aliste, Emma Plunkett, Kaitlyn Evans, Karlee Sobing, Ashlee Lazatin, Ashlee May, Lanie de Castro, Montana Ivancoe, Kerri Popczyk, Tiffany Rigoni, Cass Elorza, Asma Batool, Anna Pezzola Cabral, Jackson Clarke, Julija Blazeski, Fiona Fesilafai, Danelle Schraa, and Nathaniel Bieman.
Important dates
18/12/2023- Grade Six graduation
19/12/2023- Semester Two reports go live to families.
20/12/2023- Last day of Term Four. Students finish school at 1:30pm.
31/01, 01/02 & 02/02- Prep and Grade One assessments
31/01/2024- First day of Term One for Grades Two to Six
05/02- First day of Term One for Prep and Year One children
07/02- Prep assessments
Please remember Prep children do not attend school on Wednesdays in February
Last day of school for 2023
Wednesday 20th of December is the last day of school for this year.
Please ensure your children arrive at school on time as the whole school assembly will start punctually at 9 am. The reception office will be locked and unattended during this time.
Students will be dismissed at 1.30pm. Please ensure you pick up your child/ren from school at 1.30pm. Big Childcare will be operating from 1:30pm.
Please book them in by contacting them on 0421 156 450.
We request you refrain from collecting/picking up your child early from school on this day, as there will be classes moving and we will be enjoying our last day with our 2023 classmates.
Device use over the summer holidays
Many children are keen to spend more time on their electronic devices over the school holiday period and it is easy for parents/ carers to allow children’s screen time to get a little out of hand when the holidays are in full swing, on account of fewer structured activities and less parental guidance due to work commitments (for those of us who are parents, we too include ourselves in this!). Given this, please:
- verify parental controls on your children’s devices, consoles, apps, and games to ensure they remain current.
- create a device agreement as a family that promotes healthy device habits. This will require you to model these habits and instils responsibility on your child for their device habits.
- ensure children dedicate daily blocks of time to device free activities such as reading, exercising, art and crafts and playing with their toys, pets, siblings, or friends.
- dedicate specific times for your child to guide you through their favourite apps or games and/ or engage as a family in playing appropriate online games together. This enhances your understanding and fosters casual conversations about your child’s digital life.
- only grant full ownership of a device to your child once they can demonstrate online safety understanding and behaviour.
- supervise your child when they are using a device.
- read the fine print on new online games or apps your child wishes to install. This is to safeguard your child’s data privacy, so do not allow them to install new games or apps until you have read the terms and conditions.
We look forward to seeing everyone return in 2024. We hope the summer break is one of refreshment, renewal, and rejuvenation for all.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Stay safe,
Sarah, Missy, Gemma, Lauren, Stephen & Alana