
Term 4

In Maths, we learnt about Multiplication. We used the terms ‘groups of’, ‘times’ and ‘multiply’ which all mean the same thing.

In Writing we focused on the Narrative Genre.  We looked at the features of a narrative through Fairy Tales including the characters, the setting and being able to identify the problem and resolution.  Our first fairytale was ‘Cinderella, we made a coach from a pumpkin. 

During Week 1 of Term, we also had our School Production titled 'Side by Side'.

In PE the children were learning to catch a ball rebounding from a net.

In Week 2, we looked at Little Red Riding Hood and made a wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. We studied true and false statements from the story and revised the use of punctuation marks, such as exclamation marks, question marks and full stops.

In Week 3 in Mappen, we explored emotions and made an emotion wheel. Can you guess how we are feeling by our facial expression?

We read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and learnt all about the life cycle of plants and what they need to survive. We made Jack climb up a beanstalk.

In Maths, we used dice to demonstrate multiplication. 

In Week 4, we focused on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. We decorated magic mirrors and presented at Assembly. 


In Inquiry, we created  hybrid animals, and imagined how they would move, where they would live and what they would eat. We looked at the body parts of different animals and compared them to our body parts.

We had fun at the basketball clinic with the Camberwell Dragons.

In Week 5, we read the story of the Little Red Hen. We ate delicious hot bread straight from the oven. and we made the Little Red Hen. 

We also made origami butterflies and the Year 5/6s helped us. It was Grandparent’s Day and our skippers were fabulous.

In Week 6, we read the story of the Gingerbread Man. We made Gingerbread men by cutting out 2 halves, adding buttons and then stuffing them to make them 3D. We stapled the 2 sides together.

We watched a video about sharks and then did a guided drawing.

How To Draw A Shark Folding Surprise Puppet

In Week 7, we read the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We made porridge, Goldilocks and Baby Bear.

We performed plays using character props. The children took it in turns being each of the characters. In Maths, we played dice games.  

We continued to do PMP (Perceptual Motor Program) and practised forward rolls down an inclined mat. We looked at different Australian animals, we then made echidnas and looked at the purpose of their spikey covering and their habitat.

In Week 8, we had the Junior Camp Experience at Healesville Sanctuary. After we got back to school, we had afternoon tea and a play, we did an art activity and then we got into our pyjamas and sleeping bags and watched a movie. It was a great day.

In Week 9, as we draw closer to Christmas, our last few weeks were full of fun. The Year 4/5/6's helped us to make a Christmas tree. The Elf on the Shelf was set up in our classroom keeping an eye on all of us particularly those who were making good choices. We drew magnificent pictures of him.

We also wrote letters to either the 3 Little Pigs or the wolf from the fairy tale.

In Week 10, we made Elf on the Shelf by doing a guided drawing. Our class Elf, Cinnamon, had been hiding around the classroom and it was fun to find where he was hiding each morning

We presented The Third Week of Advent at Assembly in Week 11. We showed the school the pink candle we made by tearing paper. It looked very effective. This candle represents JOY.

The Year 4/5/6s helped us make a Christmas tree from a paper plate.

Kind regards,

Mrs Margaret Maher & Mrs Anna Di Lorenzo

Prep Classroom Teachers