Thank You Sponsors

A Special Thank You

ART FOR ALL is full of gratitude to the people at East Ivanhoe Bendigo Bank for their continuous monetary support to our school over many years. 


And Our In-Kind Sponsors This Year 

Elgin Printing

Elgin Printing are ex-FPS parents from many moons ago, yet still continue to support our printing needs. Thanks Elgin Printing.


North Balwyn Community Men's Shed Inc.

This is the second year the Men's Shed spent hours of their time and wood working skills to build supplies for our kids in ArtZone.



Thank you to Jodie at sheSELLS for her brilliant personality and great ideas. Jodie (also ex-FPS parent) has been on stage with her good looks and superb parenting tips over the many years. ART FOR ALL always enjoys seeing Jodie on stage again at Gala Night for her next level entertainment.



Skylark Photography

Thank you Trish for your generous donation. If you haven't seen Trish's beautiful photography on Insta, it's time you did. 


Rocket Wine

Generously donated a fancy bottle of sparkling for our auction on Saturday Night Gala Night. Thank you Rocket!


Gelato Papa, Classroom Cuisine, Brazen Brownies and Pop Lab

Kindly donated prizes for our kids to our many art competitions.


Fairfield Bunnings and Bulleen Art & Garden 

Generously provided the kids with soils, rocks plants and other things to fill their terrariums.