Thank You Volunteers!

We Couldn't Have Done It Without You

A special thanks to everyone who volunteered over the course of the event, we hope you met some new faces across the school community. 


Our event didn't go without it's challenges – and these moments always become something to laugh about later. So here's a special shout out to a bunch of people that problem-solved and just 'got it done'.

Above & 'Beyonders' 

Mat and Tam, Deborah, George, Liz and Michael on the bar.

Rose McCrohan and Kayti Murphy 'you alright love?' in the kitchen.

Jennifer Clarke always swoops in with perfect timing.

Olivia Li for stocktake and perfectly cooked mac'n cheese late Sunday night.

Katherine, ace woman that is never scared to get her hands dirty.

Allison O’Connell, Charlotte Agatanovic, and Olivia Anderson – all a godsend in the shop.


Hot spotters Mat King, Colleen McFarlane, Marty McGrath and Sarah Dobson, Dave Breckenridge. Without which the show could not be a fundraiser.


Gallery thanks Nikki Klopfer, Tom Rozen, Nick Nelson, Jane Ross, Lisa Higgins, Sharon Winton, Kate Jacobs, Kitty Harrison and Bernard O’Rourke.


Charles Rattray for power, Matt Windsor for single handedly carrying a tonne and Georgina Barraclough for just getting it done. 


ArtZone says thank you to Rob Compagnino for both Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Erin Alexander's mum, who never stopped and the kind and considerate Natalie Campbell, thank you for the coffee even though we just met. 


Last but not least, the volunteers that were never relieved on the Blender Bikes. Nick, Ange, Carolyn and Steph... the kids LOVED it. 



Thank you for your efforts!


Family Day Highlights!

Choir performance
ArtZone fun
Indigenous Outreach Project performance
Indigenous Outreach Project performance
ArtZone - build a fort
Community art
Blender bikes!
Face painting
ArtZone activity
Choir performance
ArtZone fun
Indigenous Outreach Project performance
Indigenous Outreach Project performance
ArtZone - build a fort
Community art
Blender bikes!
Face painting
ArtZone activity