From the Principal

Dear families,


I trust this newsletter finds you well and filled with the same sense of pride and joy that I experienced during our fantastic School Sports Day last Monday. It was truly a day to remember, and I want to extend my congratulations to all our students for their active and enthusiastic participation. Your cheers, sportsmanship, and determination were nothing short of inspiring.


A special note of thanks to our incredible St. Patrick's families for their unwavering support throughout the day. Your encouragement and cheers from the sidelines created an electrifying atmosphere that added to the overall success of the day. The relationships between our students, staff, and families truly reflects the strong sense of community we have here at St. Patrick's.


Yesterday we embarked upon a new chapter with our first 2024 Foundation Transition Sessions. It was a special occasion as we welcomed our new students and had the pleasure of engaging in meaningful conversations with their parents. Meeting the newest members of our St. Patrick's community was a heartwarming experience, and I am confident that these sessions have set a positive tone for the exciting journey ahead.


The Foundation Transition Sessions provide a platform for us to share the ethos and values that define our school. It was great to witness the enthusiasm of our new students and observe the beginning of the bonds that will undoubtedly grow stronger in the years to come. I want to express my gratitude to the parents who joined us for these sessions; your involvement is crucial to creating a supportive and nurturing learning environment for your children. We look forward to continuing to foster a strong partnership in the years ahead.


As we continue to foster a sense of community and celebrate our achievements, let's carry the spirit of Sports Day and the warmth of our Foundation Transition Sessions into the coming weeks. There are many exciting events and learning opportunities on the horizon, and I am confident that together we will make the most of each and every one of them.

2024 Foundation Transition Sessions

Next Tuesday we continue our 2024 Foundation Transition Sessions.


Tuesday 21st November: 9:30-10:30am (morning tea for parents)

Tuesday 28th November: 9:00-11:30am (whole school going up morning with 2024 classroom teachers).

Drummo Community Conversation

I'm really looking forward to our Community Conversation next week. It's great to see many people signing up to come along. Please remember to RSVP to assist us in setting up. This is a new opportunity for parents at our school to engage in discussions to shape the future of learning at St Patrick's for your children. Over the past couple of months I have been working closely with family engagement expert, Tony Dalton, who will be joining us for the sessions. Below the flyer is a glimpse of what the Community Conversation will look like. If you can make it, I would love you to join the discussion.

Building Update

It seems to be the way of things when it comes to the end of each stage. We've had a minor delay but it's looking highly likely that our next classes will be moving within the week....subject to the building surveyor!

Before and After School Care

As promised, there is now further information available for our onsite before and after school care at St Patrick's. This will be available from the beginning of the 2024 school year. The service is available to all families - either pre-booked at a discounted rate or on a casual basis. The Extend service will be available to St Patrick's students only. If there is interest, we will likely be able to operate a service for school closure days 8:00am-6:00pm. 

School Closure Days

A quick reminder that we will be closed on Friday 17th November for staff development. 


Wishing you all the best for a great week ahead!


Kind regards,

Ben Shields