How Can We Help?

Year 5's

How Can We Help?

This term Year 5’s have been working on their inquiry topic ‘How we can help?’. Students have been learning about different ways we can live more sustainably, both at school and at home. They were given the opportunity to investigate how to improve a sustainable issue at Greenvale Primary School. Students were then given learner agency on deciding how they would like to present their project.


At Greenvale Primary School we found that a lot of students’ litter in the school. We created a poster with three different comparisons. 1 side without rubbish, in the middle what our school looks like without rubbish and the other side what we should be doing in the school. We could reduce waste around the school by putting extra bins around the school including recycling waste. 

Sienna, Abby, Lucy and Maddy 5MM


We found that a lot of electricity is wasted each day by teachers and students leaving lights, air conditioners, heaters, and TVs on each day. This is causing harm to animals, people and creating fossil fuel. A way we can reduce this is by turning lights off when we leave the room or installing motion sensor lights or solar panels. 

Yusur, Melis, Ava & Sanuthi 5ND


At school we notice that a lot of students and teachers were wasting large amounts of paper. This was through printing and photocopying. We found Mrs O used the most paper in the school (.. per day). We researched what the effects of paper wastages could do to our environment and found different ways we can reduce wastage. 

Ata, Adam, Musa and Dilhan 5ND 


For our inquiry topic ‘how we can help? We got to choose what we want to research and how we present our project. I chose to make a diorama about the ocean to show how many papers we are wasting. 

Zara 5FC




Our project shows what our planet looks like if you do/ do not recycle. For example: it is a diorama that shows a house with two sides - one side shows the affect of recycling and the other side shows what happens if you don’t recycle. 

We chose this topic because we think people should recycle more and is something you should take notice of.

Gizel, Ayda and Kiara 5FC


For our inquiry project, we did a poster about the importance of recycling. We got to pick our groups and our topic and choose the way we presented our project. 

Bishan, Harshit, Can, Phoenix 5FC 





For our inquiry project, we created a jingle as a group about the effects of paper wastage in our school. We researched ways we can reduce paper wastage and how we can help prevent it. 

Rana, Ela, Emaan, Taleen & Vanessa 5MM




As a group we investigated how we can teach the school community the importance of recycling different foods and materials. We created posters that will educate the school community about the different bins we can use and hopefully have them placed around the school. 

Uli, Caden, Isaac and Rylan 5BF



As a group we investigated the impact water wastage has on our school and environment. Ways we can reduce water waste is by making sure the tap is turned off properly, putting timers on the taps and educating the community about the impact of water wastage.

Mirza, Adem, Naji, Xavier & Sal 5ND



At school we notice that there was a lot of rubbish on the ground, from chip packets to wrappers. After researching we came up with an idea of ‘Nude Food’. Nude food is a fantastic opportunity to educate the school about how their actions can impact the environment and their health. We made a turtle out of rubbish we found around the school.

Arda, Chaitanya and Francesco 5ND