Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

Student Leadership at Greenvale Primary School

2024 School Captains

I congratulate our newly elected School Captains and Vice Captains 

School Captains                                  School Vice Captains                        

                            Sienna                                                          Poet

                            Keeth (absent)                                           Ethan     


I look forward to working with our new School Captains in 2024. Being selected as a School Captain is a rigorous process- sometimes more rigorous than when we, as adults, apply for a job! The students who applied were required to write a speech as to why they thought they would make a good School Captain and present this to the Year 5 students and teachers, followed by a formal interview. I know that our new School Leaders will make us proud!

A huge thank you to our 2023 School Captains Ava and Isaac, and the Vice Captains, Talia and Zayed, who all year have demonstrated their amazing leadership skills.

Stepping up to 2024

On Wednesday, 6th December, our students in Years 1 to Year 6 (2024), spent time with their new teacher and class for 2024 from 9:30-10:45am. Teachers have been allocated which year level they will be teaching as follows:

FoundationMarcel Pulo (PLC Leader), Daniella Hadchiti, Laura Doran, Violetta Mladenova
Year 1Michelle Barton 0.5 / Elisa Mirenda 0.5 (PLC Leader), Heather Stevenson, Elicia Briggs 0.8 / Michelle Dodd 0.2, Korey Mehmet, Narelle De Young 0.8 / Sara Nelson
Year 1/2 & 2Caitlin Cristallini ( PLC Leader), Amanda Dawson, John Scollo, Emma Wilson           
Year 3Bianca Strangis ( PLC Leader), Adriana Iacono, Elicia Briggs 0.8 / Marija O’Riordan 0.2                                                  
Year 3/4 & 4Robert Rovetto 0.8 ( PLC Leader) / Marija O’Riordan 0.2, Peta Law, Megan Wong
Year 5Bay Fikri ( PLC Leader), Brett McGinniskin 0.8 / Linda Doig 0.2, Nicola Dean,
Year 5/6 & 6Jessica Wynd ( PLC Leader), Daniel Wardan, Joshua Anderson, Fabio Cardona                        



Art – Emily Wilkes 

PA – Sonya Cunado

Italian - Eleonora Schembri / Heather Foletta

Phys Ed – Andreas Jordanidis / Sujata Symons / Emily Wilkes

Science Specialist – Sujata Symons

Tutoring   Program –Jane O’Halloran / Linda Doig / Michelle Dodd 

Maths Learning Specialists – Elicia Briggs, Brett McGinniskin

English Leading Teacher – Narelle De Young

Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (MHWL) – Marija O’Riordan

Welcomes and Farewells!

It is that time of year again………


We are delighted to welcome our one and only new staff member to Greenvale Primary School for 2024

Teaching staff – Korey Mehmet


Before the school year ends, you might like to say goodbye to the following staff who are leaving us.   We thank them for their commitment to our students at Greenvale Primary School - Madeleine Jordan, Olivia Di Giorgio, Andrea Rudnickij, Aaron Toos and Kim Fong.

Year 6 Graduation

I am looking forward to seeing our Year 6 students Graduate next week. This event is a celebration of their time at Greenvale Primary School and a farewell to the next stage of their schooling.


In advance, I would like to say goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 students who have made us so proud. They have been an amazing group and have really demonstrated that “Greenvale Kids are Great Kids”! We wish them all the best for their secondary schooling and hope that they come back and visit us when they can.


As this is our last Newsletter for the year, I would like to take the opportunity for our families who celebrate Christmas, to wish them a joyful celebration. Hope all families has a safe and happy holiday break. Look forward to seeing you all back safely in 2024! 


Students in Year 1 – Year 6 return to school on Tuesday 30 January, 2024.

Foundation students begin on Tuesday 6 February, 2024. During the first week of school, every Foundation student will, however, have an assessment and interview time with their teacher.


CURRICULUM DAY – Monday, 18 December

No students are required at school on this day. Teachers will spend the day planning the curriculum for 2023. We have invited all new staff to be part of this process to ensure that they are prepared for 2023. 


STUDENT FREE DAY – Wednesday, 20 December

No students are required at school on this day.


SCHOOL FINISHES at 3:30pm on Tuesday 19th December. 


From all the staff at Greenvale Primary School   








Angelika Ireland