Primary Life

Year 4 Scienceworks Excursion 

Josh Turnbull - Year 4 Team Leader


On Wednesday, Year 4 enjoyed their wonderful excursion to Scienceworks and had a great day! 


It was so great to see all the Donvale children energetically moving around and exploring all the different elements they could engage with. 


In one rotation, students learnt to create rollercoasters with multiple loops, large inclines and declines and ‘safe’ stoppers at the end! 


In another exhibit, they learnt all about the science of light and sound. Resonant frequencies, audiologists and a transmission electron microscopy, anyone? 


Then there were the interactive technological sustainability activities and of course the enormous Sportsworks. Racing Cathy Freeman, wheelchair racing, tests of strength and snowboarding balancing, just to name a few. 


It was awesome to see each student positively engaging with all that the day had to offer. The entire Year 4 cohort did the school proud and was yet again another positive reminder of how blessed a community we have. 


Year 5 'Just One Day' Excursion

Danielle Lupi - Year 5 Team Leader

Our Year 5 students participated in the Just One Day Incursion, designed to immerse our students in the daily lives of their brothers and sisters in less privileged parts of the world. The students engaged in a series of rotating activities throughout the day, each aimed at shedding light on different aspects of life that many children around the world face each day. 


Activities included: 


Bush Walking and Collage Making: Students had the opportunity to connect with nature through a bush walk while also expressing themselves creatively by making collages. This activity encouraged them to appreciate the environment and its significance in various cultures. 


Water Carrying: Our students experienced the physical effort required to fetch water, a daily reality for many children in impoverished regions. This activity fostered an appreciation for the resources we often take for granted. 


Tyre Rolling: Rolling a tyre highlighted how children create their own fun with limited resources. 


Handmade Soccer: Playing soccer with a homemade ball made from plastic and paper scraps showed our students the power of ingenuity and resourcefulness in creating joy. 


Every student embraced this day wholeheartedly, reflecting on their own blessings and pondering what they, as Christian individuals, can do to bridge gaps, dispel misunderstandings, and promote compassion. 


Our young minds have gained a more profound understanding of the power of finding joy in our differences. This day instilled a deep awareness, encouraging them to be active agents of positive change in our community and beyond.