Geared For Growth

Catherine Fernihough - Deputy Head of Primary

In the blink of an eye, November is upon us and just like that, 95 eager little faces begin to appear, hand in hand with their trusted people. With both a sense of excitement and anticipation, our Prep teachers warmly welcome each one as they take their very first 'Step into Prep'.


The transition into school life is a momentous occasion, with everyone's experience being unique. As parents gathered over morning tea while their children spent time with the Prep teachers, many parents expressed their mixed emotions as they watched their child walk in line behind the teacher. 


For some, it's a day of celebration. For others it's tinged with sadness. But the overarching message shared by so many families was the blessing of knowing that their little people are in a community firmly grounded in God's truth. 


This term we have focused our student’s attention on what it means to demonstrate a Growth Mindset - one which seeks to keep on trying and striving to be the best we can in faithful service to God. 


Challenges will certainly be encountered; trials will come, but we rest in the beautiful assurance that the Lord himself goes before us and will be with us; he will never leave us nor forsake us. 


Our 2024 Prep cohort stands on the cusp of a new and exciting adventure in which they will learn the value of never giving up, but rather keeping their eyes firmly fixed on the Creator who holds all things in His hands. 


Please join with us in praying that the transition for our little people will be smooth.