From the Principal's Desk

It has been another busy term at our school! Our 4/5/6 students enjoyed an educational and fun excursion to Ballarat last week. The students visited the Gold Museum and Sovereign Hill where they learned about Australia's colonial history and even tried their hand at gold panning!
This week students have had the opportunity to try out for our 2023 school band. Thank you to Mrs Thomsen for all of her efforts for coordinating the tryouts and for the band program.
Parent-teacher interviews will take place next Monday the 27th and Tuesday the 28th. Bookings can be made on COMPASS. This is a valuable chance to discuss your child's progress with their teacher.
Today was the final day of swimming lessons for our students. A big thank you to Lynette McIntyre for running a very successful program this year - the students have improved tremendously in their swimming abilities over the course of the last fortnight.
Coming up next week, our school captain candidates will be presenting their leadership speeches. All students not in Year 6 will have the opportunity to vote for 2024 school captains later in the week. Best of luck to all students.
The sensory garden is slowly taking shape, we have had the recent addition of a handmade bridge. A big thank you to Wes McIntyre for his handiwork. The bridge looks fantastic and the students have had a great time playing on it and the sensory garden.
Finally, I'd like to remind all parents and families that our Presentation Day ceremony will take place on Tuesday, December 5th starting at 1:30pm. We anticipate finishing up in time for regular school buses. As many of you know, this special event recognises student achievement and effort across various areas. It is always a pleasure to end the year by celebrating our students' accomplishments.
God Bless
Daniel Francis
All Saints' Primary School