Learning Community 1

Prep - Mrs Guy, 1 - Mr Wigg, 1/2 - Miss Stoll

Prep Guy

This week in our Literacy lessons we have revised how to write a recount, worked on compound words, ch and tch words, prefixes and kept working on our Most Common Words. Students have chosen a minibeast to research and have started their Information report. In the coming week's students will deliver an oral presentation to their classmates about what they learnt about their chosen minibeast. In Numeracy we have been revising ordering numbers to 100, partitioning and combining numbers into hundreds, tens and ones plus subitising. 


Students are really looking forward to having their grandparents come into the classroom on Friday the 25th October. Please ensure your child has someone special to do their activities with. 


Student of the week

Congratulations to Nellie who was voted in by her classmates to be this week's Student Of The Week. Students said Nellie was a great star of the week, sharing her special jobs with her classmates. Well done Nellie, we are all  proud of you.



What a fantastic start to the Term we have had. We hope you all have had a restful holidays.


In reading and writing we have revised features of fiction and non-fiction texts. We explored the letter sound /tch/ and the long /ai/ sound and continued to focus on our spelling of the most used words list. We have revised recount writing and how to add detail to our writing. This included the use of adjectives and using feeling verbs.


In Maths we have revised Place Value and started focusing on the concept of chance. This includes the terminology of Certain, Likely, Unlikely and Impossible. 


Student of the Week:

Well done to Hunter and Denver on being our  Students of the Week for showing fantastic responsibility and Respect. You try so hard and we are proud of you both.


1/2 Stoll


Welcome to Term 4! 

I didn't get to start the term in our class but we have made up for that this week. Last week Mrs L and the students explored minibeasts, place value, creative writing and the /tch/ sound.

This week we explored procedural writing, creative writing, multiplication, division, the /ng/ sound like in king, the /n/ sound like in ink, the /kn/ sound like in knife and the /gn/ sound like in gnome.

We are back into the swing of things and are all excited for a jam packed term of learning, growth, success and most importantly, fun!!!


Student Achievers

Last week our beautiful student achiever was our wonderful Hayley. Hayley is consistently an excellent role model and can always be counted on to be kind to others and to do the right thing. Hayley is such a kind, caring and loving friend and student.

This week our amazing student achiever was our incredible Finn. Finn is such a valuable member of our classroom, Finn is always making us laugh and always including others. Finn's individuality has continued to shine however even more so as of late.

We love having you in our classroom Hayley and Finn.