Chaplain's Chat

Loving and Helping Others
1 Timothy 6:18 “They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.”
The Five Marks of Mission express the Global Anglican Communion’s common commitment to, and understanding of, God’s holistic and integral mission for the world.
The Five Marks of Mission:
The mission of the Church is the mission of Christ
- To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
- To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
- To respond to human need by loving service
- To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation
- To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth
13 - 16 October is Anti-Poverty Week, their key message is: Poverty exists. Poverty hurts us all. We can all do something about it. It is one of hope, not despair.
It is good to know that Australians care about the issue of poverty FAST FACTS because it is a growing issue in our communities, POVERTY IN AUSTRALIA. Anglicare are just one of a number of organisations that are seeking to support people in our local towns. Towards the end of Term 4, we will be running again, our Christmas Hamper Drive, which is a practical way we can all respond to the need in loving service.
Around the Dioceses
As a school in Moama, we are located within the Riverina Diocese on the very southern boundary. We also have good links and support from the Echuca Parish, which is part of the Bendigo Diocese. Below you will find links to recent publications from both on significant events in the life of the Anglican Church on each side of the river.
The Spirit October edition with a special feature ‘Building Hope and Community: Habitat for Humanity Service Trip’ by Cara Haley in Year 11.
Rev. Tim Bowles