Primary School

We would like to welcome everyone back to Term 4 and hope that you enjoyed the holiday break. I would like to extend a special welcome to all our new students and their families who started with us throughout Term 3 and in Term 4; Elsie, Dawson, Adam, Harry, Lillyan, Kyah, Cameron, Francesca and Charlotte.
We continue to receive enrolment enquiries and applications, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our families for their ongoing support. When speaking with prospective families, the impact your positive feedback has on the enrolment decisions of new families is highlighted. We currently have enrolment opportunities at all year levels for 2025. If you know anyone who may be considering a change, please encourage them to contact our School Registrar so we can organise an obligation free School Tour or share the flyer below about our upcoming Twilight Tour.
Class Placement 2025
As we move into Term 4, forward planning for the following school year is a high priority as this ensures a smooth start to the school year. Allocating students to 2025 classes is an area that staff spend many hours carefully considering so that students can be placed in classes that allow for maximum learning, in a safe and caring environment.
We understand the valuable role parents and guardians play in making the right choices. Parents will be asked to complete a Student Selection form together with their child, focusing on who their child works best with. It is our aim to ensure that each child has at least one of the four nominated students in their class the following year. The Student Selection forms were shared with families earlier this week and are due back on Monday 21 October.
Parents are unable to request that their child is taught/not taught by a particular teacher. All teachers employed by Moama Anglican Grammar are highly capable and able to meet the needs of each individual child.
Year 4 Putting Maths into Action
During Term 3, our Year 4 students have been applying mathematical concepts in a fun and interactive way through mini-golf activities in the classroom. By designing and creating their own mini golf holes, students are exploring important topics such as probability, chance, data collection, shape and length. They have been collecting and analysing data from their games, learning how to organise their findings into tables and graphs. Early this term, they will be taking their learning further by using the school’s golf simulator to continue exploring these concepts in a practical, engaging environment.
Year 6 Information Processes and Technology (IPT)
During Term 3, we had lots of fun learning how to code cubit racers. Cubit racers are little robotic cars that you have to build and code so that you can race them around. We did this with partners of our choice, working out how to code lights, wheels and a horn into our racer. Before doing this, we learnt about cyberbullying and block coding. We all enjoyed this very much and look forward to learning more about coding.
By Chelsea Looney and Luella Williams
Student Achievements
Over the school holidays, four Moama Anglican Grammar students travelled to the Gold Coast to represent their clubs at the National Clubs Carnival for gymnastics. Violet McGillivray (Year 7) and Leni Coburn (Year 6) both represented Palmer’s Gym and competed in the individual Level 4 Tumbling event. Both girls did a fabulous job competing against the best tumblers from around Australia. Leni placed 21st overall and Violet placed 27th overall. Leni also competed in a Level 4 Aero Pair with her partner Liza from Bendigo Palmer’s Gym. The pair scored and impressive 3rd place overall and were awarded the bronze medal.
Addison Coburn competed in the individual Level 5 Tumbling event representing Palmer’s Gym. After a disappointing fall on landing during her first pass, Addi came back with an amazing second pass (second highest score of the entire competition) putting her in 23rd place. Addi was able to reach her qualifying score and has been selected to represent the Victorian State Team for 2025 for the second year in a row. Payton Polido (Year 6) represented Jett’s Gymnastics Shepparton and competed in Level 6 Women’s Artistic Gymnastics in a team of six girls. Her team placed 5th on bars in their division which was a fantastic result and an amazing experience for the girls to be involved in.
Get Happier Schools Program
On Tuesday 8 October, we had the privilege of hosting Ivan Honey, a psychologist and international trainer, along with Bradley Smith, a Director from Loyola Marymount University in LA, who is a clinical counsellor and a world expert in recovery and substance abuse. Ivan is the creator of the Get Happier Schools Project (Choice Theory/Reality Therapy), and Bradley was involved in related research back in 2013.
They reconnected with some former MAG Primary students who are now starting Year 12, reflecting on their experiences from Primary School and the Get Happier Schools program. Following that, Year 6 students had the opportunity to share their community-based projects, designed to enhance the wellbeing of others in the community. Year 2 students also enjoyed an engaging session with Brad and Ivan, where they sang songs and discussed the essentials of self care.
We are grateful to Ivan and Bradley for generously sharing their time and expertise with our students.
Stage 1 Assembly
Ms Gregory hosted this assembly with the assistance of Parker Coogan and Mia Binnie who both beautifully read the Acknowledgement of Country. This first Assembly focused on what the students got up to over the holidays. Key events for Term 4 such as the Year 2 Sleepover and Swimming Program were also discussed. We then presented our ‘Stars of the Week’ awards to our worthy recipients.
YEAR 1 | YEAR 2 |
Adam Geltch | Alyssa Pirkebner |
William Nguyen | Arabella Knight |
Arlie Pell | Parker Coogan |
Ingela Kimberlin | Hunter O’Reilly |
Message from the Office
As we move from our winter uniform to our summer uniform, I would like to remind parents that students are required to wear black leather school shoes as listed below with their summer uniform. There has been an increase in students substituting school shoes with black runners. Black runners may be worn with their sport uniform. I appreciate your support in ensuring that the correct uniform is worn.
Upcoming Events
11/10/24 Year 2 Sleepover; until 12/10/24
14/10/24 Learn to Swim Program for Kindergarten and Year 4; until 18/10/24
14/10/24 Year 3 Camp; return 15/10/24
16/10/24 Twilight Tour
18/10/24 Primary Assembly; Year 3 Performance
22/10/24 Year 6 Camp; return 25/10/24
28/10/24 Learn to Swim Program for Year 1 and Year 3; until 01/11/24
01/11/24 Primary Chapel
04/11/24 Exeat Holiday (Student Free Day)
05/11/24 Melbourne Cup Public Holiday (Student Free Day)
11/11/24 Learn to Swim Program for Year 2; until 15/11/24
11/11/24 Remembrance Day Service
Nici Deller
Deputy Principal - Head of Primary