Restorative Practices
Welcome Back to Term 4
We are thrilled to welcome all our students and families back for the start of Term 4! It’s been wonderful to feel the buzz of excitement around the school as learners settle back into classroom routines with ease and enthusiasm. Walking through classrooms in the morning, it was heartening to see circles happening in every room. Learners were eagerly sharing stories about their holidays, discussing their hopes for the term ahead, and teachers were reinforcing the expectations for a positive and productive term.
Restorative practices, particularly the use of circles, continue to play a key role in building our strong school community. These circles allow learners to connect with each other, express their thoughts and feelings, and set intentions for how they will engage and contribute in the coming weeks. It’s fantastic to see both learner and staff committed to building a respectful and supportive environment and culture within our school, where every voice is heard and valued.
We look forward to a successful and fulfilling term for all!