Specialist's Say

What another amazingly engaging term in Science. I continue to be blown away by the inquisitive learners at St Mary's and I feel so lucky to be here to share the Science learning journey with everyone. This term has been especially interesting and informative with each class learning about Earth and Space Sciences.
The Preps have made observations and predictions about the weather and Year Ones have been tracking weekly environmental changes, so our recent crazy wind event was an amazing real life experience to link to our discussions and learning.
Year Threes have been studying natural resources and have been especially interested in testing soil from around Colac and the district. The differences were actually amazing and varied significantly, even from close proximities like Elliminyt to down near the lake. They also learned that some resources can be renewable by making paper from recycled office paper. Year Fives have taken a deep dive into the solar system and more recently the secrets of our fiery life force, the sun. So many thought provoking facts and figures to ponder....did you know that 1.3 million Earths could fit inside the sun?! Or that it takes 100,000 years for light generated in the core of the sun to travel to the surface?!
Take care and enjoy the holidays,
Jess Parker