Classroom News

This week is our production and we have been very busy preparing for this. We have our costumes sorted and we have been rehearsing our dance. We are so excited to go on stage today and tonight at Trinity College, in the Jubilee Centre. Thank you to all of our families for your support, we hope you enjoy/enjoyed the show.
In our Little Learners Love Literacy program, we have been learning about the suffix ‘s’ at the end of a word and our double consonant sounds ‘/ll/, /ss/, /ff/’. We are learning the floss rule - ‘if a word ends in the sound /l/, /s/ or /f/, and it comes after a short vowel sound /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/, we need to double it.’
In Numeracy, we have been exploring the concept of location and transformation. We have been learning all about our key location words ‘on top, under, behind, in front, between, inside, outside.’ We have been singing songs and completing hands-on activities to learn these concepts in a meaningful and practical way.
In GEM Time, we are still focusing on expressing our feelings and what this means, whilst implementing our breathing strategies in times of need. We are working on following the group plan, problem solving strategies and that our friends can’t see our thoughts so we need to tell them.
In RE, we have been learning about the Old and New Testament - we are learning about different stories and knowing that the Old Testament was before Jesus was alive.
Archer Ogle - “I have liked doing maths and playing with the toys.”
Harper Brown - “I have liked going on the monkey bars and writing about my holiday.”
Harper Langley - “Playing with my friends in the playground and doing lots of work.”
Clancy Angus - “Learning about all the characters and break times.”
Gemma Blake
Meg Knight
How can we be in Week 9 already? Term 3 has flown by with many highlights including Book Week, school swimming and last, but certainly not least, our school concert. 'Watch This, Space!'
We had such a fabulous time performing in our first concert today and we look forward to welcoming a full audience back to the Trinity Jubilee Centre tonight at 6:30pm for our final show. Our show tonight is sold out, no walk up tickets will be sold at the door.
On Friday 20th September we will have our footy colours day. Students will enjoy some fun AFL activities on this day to celebrate the end of our busy term. We will also have 'Fun Food' for lunch and an early 2:15pm finish.
Term 4 is already shaping up to be an exciting term. We will have our Year 2 sleepover, Mission Day, Prep/1 fun night, excursion and lots more!
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
Paula Parish
Emma Roberts
Matt O'Dowd
Amanda Delorenzo
Congratulations to our students on the wonderful production they are currently showcasing to you all. The children have been eager participants and it's wonderful to see them shine on the stage. We are very impressed with their dancing skills!
In Literacy, our Year 3 classes have been reading and learning about different poetry forms. Students have been introduced to ‘onomatopoeia’ and have been writing haiku and diamante poems. Year four students have been revisiting narratives and writing a narrative based on the text, ‘Uncle X-Box.’
Next week is our final week of term. The Year 3 students have been reading the novel by Roald Dahl, ‘The BFG’ and will watch the movie to compare the two. Our Year Four classes will be saying a goodbye to Reuben Baillie who will be moving interstate. We wish Reuben and his family all the best. Next Friday, 20th September, is ‘Footy Colours Day,’ and children are invited to wear footy colours to school. It will also be a Fun Food Day with some footy activities taking place and a 2:15pm finish.
Wishing you all a wonderful break and see you all re-energised for Term 4.
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Liza Alexander
Kascha Blair
Matt Absalom
In Grade 5/6, we are having a very busy but exciting end to Term 3.
During Literacy studies over the last couple of weeks, the Grade 5/6s have been studying the picture books ‘Fire’ and ‘Flood’ by Jackie French. We have been looking closely at the different techniques Jackie used to write such beautiful picture books. This included looking at the precise vocabulary, the Figurative Language (including Personification and Similes) and the structure (whole text and sentence level) that she utilised in her stories to give the reader a clear picture and to evoke an emotional response. These books linked in with our ‘Natural Disaster’ unit for Inquiry and also formed the basis for our Narrative writing over the last couple of weeks.
In Maths, the Grade 5s have been looking at the properties of 3D shapes and the Grade 6s are still reviewing Decimals.
Winter Sports against the other Colac schools in Term 3 is nearly coming to an end with our last day being on Monday versus Colac West at St. Mary’s. The children have enjoyed interacting with students from the other schools and participating in different sports as well. A big thanks to Dan for being the chief organiser of these sessions and liaising with the other schools to make these days possible for our 5/6 students.
Production week has been very busy and the children have approached this with great enthusiasm and active participation. It’s been wonderful to see students having their time to shine through the Arts and showcasing all the dance, acting and singing skills they have been working on over the Term. A huge thank you to Kristy and all the teachers who took this project on; memories the children will have for the rest of their lives.
The Grade 5s are getting VERY excited about camp next week! This week, students went home with an extra copy of what they need to bring for camp so please ensure they have everything that is needed. Can parents please ensure that they have returned their medical form even if the child has no specific medication to administer. This form means we have easy access to children’s personal information in the case of an emergency or just if needed. The bus will be leaving school at 8:45am but we will ensure that we wait for bus children if needed - we should be home by 2pm on Friday the 20/9. Please reach out to Jade or Rachel if you have any questions/queries regarding camp.
It is footy colours day on the last day of term - Grade 5s are also welcome to bring their footy colours e.g. a footy jumper to wear on the last day of camp too.
As this is the last newsletter for the term, once again we commend our students for another great term of learning and fun and looking forward to finishing off the year strongly in Term 4.
Jade LoRicco
Rachel Downard
Leah Martin
Dan Cannon
Maegen Potter