Principal's Report

Dear EHPS Parents and Carers,


The last two weeks have continued to be great opportunities for learning and fun for the children. Across the school there have been activities that have seen the children come together to celebrate their learning as well be open to new experiences.

Fairy Tales Dress Up

Year 1 celebrated the end of their Fairy Tales unit by coming dressed in their favourite fairy tale’s character. They were also part of a marvellous parade and story time at the Monday assembly. The children were very proud of their costumes and loved parading around the stadium. 

Living Wax Works

Year 5 students completed their learning about the Gold Rush by completing a substantial project about important individuals of the era. The demonstrated their knowledge this week by dressing up and presenting their characters at an exhibition in the hall. Many classes visited their ‘Living Museum’ of their gold rush people and the Year 5 portrayed their person very well. They knew the relevant information about their person and were able to answer questions about them. It was very pleasing to see so many parents at the event.

Footy Colours Day and Hot Dog Lunch

Yesterday was Footy Colours Day and it was again another opportunity to come together as a whole school community. The children really enjoyed dressing up in their favourite team colours, parade around the stadium and sing their team’s theme song. The Hot Dog Lunch was a bonus, and the children loved the opportunity to have a different lunch. 

A special thanks must go to the PFC that coordinated and ran the Hot Dog Lunch. This is another marvellous example of the important work that our Parents & Friends Club does to build the community spirit and the sense of belonging at Essex Heights.

Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey

A completely random sample of Essex Heights families were invited to participate in this year’s annual Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion survey. Thank you to those who took the time to respond. The survey closes TODAY (20 September), so if you still have not completed the online survey, please spare the 10 to15 minutes required to give us your feedback. 

Leaving EHPS

Our planning and preparation for the next school year is well underway, and it is very important that we know as soon as possible if your child is leaving EHPS this year. Please email me at the school email address if your child is leaving EHPS and please include the following details:

  • Child's name and 2024 class
  • Date of last day at EHPS (2024 school year ends on Friday 20 December)
  • Name of the school your child is enrolled at 
  • Commencement date at new school (2025 school year commences on Tuesday 28 January)
  • The reason for leaving EHPS  
  • New contact details, e.g. address, phone number, email

Traffic Management in Essex Road

I remind everyone to please be mindful of proper traffic courtesy and safety near our school and neighbouring streets. 

By following the advice below I am sure that we can all make the roads around our school safer for our community and respectful to our neighbours.

  • Follow all parking signs
  • Obey the 40km/hour speed limit in Essex Road
  • DO NOT perform U-Turns in front of the school and / or cross a solid white line in the middle of the road
  • Pedestrians should always use the School Crossing
  • Do not park across driveways
  • Use the Kiss and Drop zone 
    • Drive as far down as possible when entering the Kiss and Drop zone
    • Cars cannot park in the Kiss and Drop zone between 8.30am and 9.30am and also between 3pm and 4pm.
  • Children should alight from vehicles on the passenger side of the car.
  • The Staff & Permit car park is not to be used by parents/guardians at any time, and children must not enter the school grounds through this car park. 

I realise that often families are dropping of children whist on the way to work but a little patience and consideration on the road will make everyone much safer.

SunSmart & hats in Term 4

In accordance with our SunSmart Policy, I would like to remind all families that the children are required to wear a hat throughout Term 4. These should be in the school uniform dark green colour, in legionnaire, bucket or wide brimmed styles for maximum sun protection; these hats are available from our uniform supplier, Spartan School World. Please also make sure your child's hat is clearly labelled with their name. I would ask parents to ensure that children are bringing the appropriate headwear to school each day next term. 


We farewell the following students and their families from the EHPS community, and wish the children well as they settle into their new school:

  • Amira G (PDB) – family moving
  • William B (34R) – family relocating to regional Victoria



I wish all families a restful and fun filled holiday period. If your team is still in the finals then I wish them all the best of luck for continued success.


I look forward to seeing all families back at school on 7 October. 


Kindest regards,

George Perini
