
Australian Mathematics Competition

We are excited to share some of the results from the recent Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). A number of our students achieved outstanding results, earning Distinctions and High Distinctions for their exceptional performances. Congratulations to all students who participated!


While we anticipate receiving the physical certificates from the Australian Maths Trust in October, students who would like to find out their results before then can check with their class teachers. We are proud of every student's effort and dedication in this challenging competition.


Here are the results for those who received Distinctions and High Distinctions:

 DistinctionHigh Distinction
Year 3

Aakarsha A

Janet G

Julian K

Charles L

Vicky R

Chloe Z

Olivia U

Year 4

Isaac A

Jacki C

Nika D

Vincent J

Lily J

Anthony L

Tanisha R

Reece X

Tanush R

Oscar W

Lucas W

Year 5

Ira V

Jonathan W

Terence M

Jayden H

Nick N

Year 6      

Dean J

James A

Anhad K

Allen Y

Jordan J

Janice L

We look forward to celebrating the achievements of all our students when the official certificates arrive. Thank you again for your support and encouragement of your children's mathematical journeys!

Kelvin Tang

Numeracy Specialist