135 Year Enrolment Opportunities

To our Genazzano Alumnae Community,


In celebration of our 135-year legacy of excellence in girls' education, we are delighted to offer additional enrolment opportunities for the 2025 College year. This initiative is designed to welcome back families who have already experienced the benefits of our authentic and contemporary Catholic education and wish to pass on this tradition to their daughters or granddaughters.


As an alumna, if you successfully enrol your daughter or granddaughter for the 2025 College year, you will receive a 20% reduction on her tuition fees. This discount applies to tuition fees from Prep through to Year 10 for each year the student remains at the College and cannot be combined with other student concessions. 


We look forward to welcoming the next generation of Gen girls.


For more information and full conditions to qualify, please email 135yearanniversary@genazzano.vic.edu.au  or contact the College at 8862 1207.


Warm regards,

The Genazzano FCJ College Council

Terms and Conditions


In accepting one of the In Celebration of 135 Years Enrolment Opportunities, we understand and accept the following Terms and Conditions: 


• This enrolment opportunity is a confidential matter between us as Parents/Guardians and Genazzano FCJ College, and the details will not be discussed with other families. 


• As Parents/Guardians, we remain liable for all expenses other than the specified tuition fee discount. 


• We agree to meet this financial obligation in accordance with the payment due date requirements. 


• Our daughter will demonstrate an exemplary level of commitment, behaviour and involvement in the life and ethos of the College, and I understand that should we or our daughter’s behaviour bring the College into disrepute we will forfeit our right to participate in this enrolment opportunity.


• are reviewed annually by the Principal in consultation with the Deputy Principal and the College reserves the right to withdraw the Scholarship. 


• In the event that a student who has received a 135-Year Celebratory Enrolment Opportunity departs the College before completing 2 academic years at Genazzano, the family will be required to pay the equivalent of tuition fees that have been discounted for the period enrolled under the arrangement. The amount to be reimbursed by the family may only be changed at the discretion of the Principal in circumstances such as the family having to relocate interstate or internationally due to parental work commitments.