Career & Pathways
Senior School
Career & Pathways
Senior School
Please see the PDF document attached which has screenshots and detailed information on how to:
During assembly last week, Mr Knowles spoke to our Year 12s to provide more information on VTAC applications. In particular, he went through a step-by-step guide on how to apply for SEAS, including how to obtain a Statement of Support. When asking for a Statement of Support, we recommend that students provide their “responsible person” or health practitioner with a Key Facts Guide Sheet, so that they understand what is expected of them.
A reminder that the cut off date for documents to be reviewed by VTAC is 5pm Friday 20 September, with the final due date of SEAS and Scholarships applications being 5pm Friday 11 October. Late submissions are not accepted.
Students also need to ensure that they submit their application (preferences) and pay their $60 fee by 5pm Monday 30 September, to ensure that they don’t have to pay an increased fee. Preferences can still be changed until after ATAR is released.
All students that are applying for Education courses are required to complete a situational judgement test. All courses will accept Casper, an online version of this test. The cost to complete Casper is $80 and the test will apply for all institutions. The final dates for students to complete their Casper testing to be considered for the December round offers are listed below:
To register, and for preparation material:
For more information on Casper in relation to VTAC applications and dates:
Please also be advised that some institutions do offer their own situational judgement tests. Students are reminded to read the Course Requirements information carefully on VTAC to see whether they can complete individual institutions’ tests or if they are required to complete the Casper.
For students who are applying for Nursing and/or Midwifery courses, you are required to complete an English Language Declaration. This will be made available on your VTAC account once you have submitted your preferences. If English is the student’s primary language, you are only required to tick some boxes within the application. For students whose primary language is not English, you will be required to complete some English testing to demonstrate your proficiency in the language. Please see Mrs Dennison or Mr Knowles for more information and support with this.
Items in the 30th August Career News include -
Items in the 6th September Career News include -
Jessie Dennison
Tim Knowles
Careers Practitioners