Parents' and Friends' Association (PFA)

Welcome to Term 4.

We hope you enjoyed the break from organizing lunch boxes as much as we did and were able to spend some slower time with your children ;) We can’t believe that we’re almost at the end of 2024 !


Upcoming Events in Term 4:

Halloween Disco 


Back by popular demand, it's disco time again at St Leonard's! Get ready for a fun night filled with thrills and chills and come along dressed in your spookiest outfit (optional) for a night full of singing, dancing, activities and lots of FUN!



PREPS - GRADE 2 (prep, grade 1 and grade 2): 5:30-6:45pm. 


GRADE 3 - GRADE 6 (grades 3, 4, 5 & 6): 7-8:30pm. 


Try booking link is below and goes live on MONDAY 14TH OCT 9am and will close on WEDNESDAY 23RD OCT 5pm.


$10 ENTRY FEE - Each ticket includes x1 entry into the disco plus a glow item of choice (to be selected at the door on entry) and a lollipop on exit.  


*This is a drop off only event (however children must be brought into the hall by an adult and have their names marked off the list prior to entry into the disco). 

Children will then be supervised by teachers at all times. 

Please ensure you are on time to collect your child/ren when their session is over. Drop off and pick up information will be sent out closer to the date. 


*Mobile phones and other devices are not permitted into the disco. 


*This event will have loud music and flashing lights, please consider if this event is suitable for your child/ren. 


*External food and drinks are not permitted. Childrens labelled drink bottles are allowed. 


*All items of clothing are to be clearly labelled. 


Zooper Dooper Wednesdays are back !!

Zooper doopers are available at lunch times on Wednesdays . Please make sure $1 is handed to your child’s classroom teacher in the morning.


Remember that we always welcome assistance from our fellow 

parents and guardians.


If you would like to help at any of our upcoming events please contact us at


Next PFA Meeting:


Date: Wednesday October 16th

Please contact the PFA if you would like to join 

our next meeting.


Our PFA 2024 Class Representatives are:


Prep ASia Roussos & Terri Abeysekera
Prep BSarah Koh 
1 / 2 CJanina Pereira Mok
1 / 2 DLisa Alizzi
1 / 2 EJoanne Saulys
3 / 4 FVerina Pang 
3 / 4 GErica Madgin & Julie Moretti 
3 / 4 HLara Akinsanya
5 / 6 ISetareh Jafari
5 / 6 JMandy Hjorth
5 / 6 LManj Senn & Silvia Miracola


Have a great week ahead everyone!