Important Dates

Some Key Dates for 2024
Term 2
Monday 27th - Friday 31st May
Secondhand Book Sale
Tuesday 28th May
SAC Meeting
Wednesday 29th May
First Eucharist Reflection Day, 9am - 3pm
District Cross Country
Thursday 30th May
Principal Cuppa & Chat, 2.30pm
Sunday 2nd June
Sacrament of First Eucharist, 2pm
Tuesday 4th June
School Tour, 2.30pm
Wednesday 5th June
SLC-KC Assembly
Tuesday 11th June
School Tour, 9.30pm
Tuesday 18th June
School Tour, 9.30pm
Wednesday 19th June - Wednesday 26th June
Lamont Book Fair
Wednesday 19th June
SLC-C Assembly
Tuesday 25th - Wednesday 26th June
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Friday 28th June
End of term 2, 1pm