Sports News

Semester One Pathway Sporting achievements

During Semester One we had a large number of our students represent at higher sporting levels.  We would like to acknowledge their accomplishments however the last Diocean trial is not being completed until Week 10.  Therefore a full list of students who were successful in Diocesan and Polding teams for Semester One will be published in the first newsletter back next term. 


School Cup Netball

On Wednesday 5th June over 40 students participated in the Netball Gala Day held in Bathurst. We had four teams across Year 3 to Year 6 and our players included all abilities and experience. Of the four teams only one was competitive and this team successfully won all of their games including their final. Congratulations to the girls and to their coach Shannon Jones. Our other three teams were also very successful  and won a number of games and as importantly improved with each game. A number of our Year 3 and Year 4 students had not played netball before and it was wonderful to see them enjoy each game. Well done in particular to the two boys that joined the team. All students are to be congratulated for their fantastic behaviour and sportsmanship and thank you to Mrs Brown and  Mrs Dellow for being  fantastic coaches. We were also fortunate enough to have four James Sheahan students join the teams as the referees and we would like to thank the girls for coming along.  


Polding Basketball.


Congratulations to Sam Cox who was part of the Polding Basketball team that won the State Title last week.  This is a great achievement.