Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

"Friends" Health Program:  Mrs Griffith and I are continuing to take each class weekly for one of their wellbeing Health lessons.  The "Friends" program aims to offer students skills to identify their emotions, and strategies to make 'thumbs up' choices to deal with these emotions. At the moment we are exploring ways to identify our body cues for the different emotions.  By being aware of our body cues, we are more able to connect our emotions with the different cues our body is giving us.  When we are nervous we often have 'butterflies' in our tummy, when we are angry our face often goes red.  By being aware of our body cues, we become more in control of how we respond to our different emotions.  We become the 'boss of our body'.  Please take the time to talk to your children about the concepts and strategies that they are learning through these lessons, and encourage them to use these strategies when faced with their own emotional changes.  


Police Talk for Primary Students:  Today Sr Constable Jane Heffernan visited our school and spoke once again to our primary students about their interaction with social media. Children of primary school age are not legally able to have accounts on most social media, including tik tok, snapchat, instagram and facebook.  This is for their safety.  So many of our social problems at school are magnified by students communicating on social media when not able to see each other face to face.  Students are unable to read the situation and are not sure if someone is joking or serious.  They can also become very "brave" behind the keyboard, and say and do things that are not appropriate and that can have lasting effects on others.   As a parent, it is so difficult to strike the balance between allowing children independence and exposure to social media, and protecting them.  Please chat to your children about the talk today with Jane, and what they have gained from her presentation. 


Excursions:  Last week the weather was unkind to our Year 2 students, and their walking excursion to look at heritage sites in Orange had to be postponed.  The new date for this excursion is now next Monday 17th June (weather permitting!)  


Our Year 1 are also off this week to Bathurst to visit the Dinosaur museum and Adventure playground!  This is always a fun excursion, and I look forward to hearing lots of exciting stories of their adventure! 

congratulations orange bands

excursions Yr 1 & 2



District Schools Chess competition:  Next week Mrs Brown and our Chess students are hosting the first of a 2 day Chess competition for local schools.  We will have over 180 students in Kenna Hall, all vying for the opportunity to showcase their skills and represent their schools.  We welcome members from the Orange Christian School, Orange Anglican Grammar, Orange Public School, Orange East Public School, Canowindra Public School, Blayney Public School, Milthorpe Public School, Nashdale Public School and St Marys.  We look forward to hosting this first day and welcoming all these local  schools!


Evacuation Drill:  Today we were to complete an Evacuation Drill as part of our preparation for emergency procedures.  Unfortunately the weather was not our friend, so we will find another time soon to conduct this drill.  This is such an important process for children and staff to feel comfortable with, as the need for evacuation may arise at any time.  We aim to have a drill for both Evacuation and Lock Down each term.  So far, these have been advertised, however in the coming months, we will have a 'surprise' drill.  Hopefully we will have just as good a result as today!