Teachers: Nikki Lewis, Courtney Williams, Bec Mealings and Lauren Pring
Teachers: Nikki Lewis, Courtney Williams, Bec Mealings and Lauren Pring
Monday 10th June – King’s Birthday Public Holiday (no students at school)
Wednesday 12th June - Firefighters Visit
Monday 17th June – Whole School Assembly
Wednesday 19th - Occupations Dress Up Day
Tuesday 25th - Food Celebration Day
Friday 28th June - last day of term: 2.30pm dismissal
We loved having the local firefighters come in and teach us about fire safety. We got to ask lots of questions and see their special uniforms. They gave us some homework too! We would love families to talk about a safe meeting place near their homes and what to do in an emergency. Next week, the firefighters are coming back and we will get to go on their truck and see how the hose works.
This term, we have been talking about our past and now we are thinking about the future! What might we like to be when we grow up? We have also been reading lots about community helpers. On Wednesday 19th June, Foundation will be having a dress up day. Students can dress up as the job they would like when they are older or a community helper. If students are dressing up as police etc, please do not send in toy guns.
This term, Foundation have been sharing all about our families and history. As part of this, we have been exploring our different cultures and discussing different celebrations, dress and food. We would love to celebrate the end of this unit with a special food day!
On Tuesday 25th June, we will have our special lunch. We would love students to bring in a plate of food to be shared with the class. Food can be brought in before school or dropped off at 12.15. Unfortunately, we cannot heat up food. Students still need to bring their own snack to school.
Please make sure no nuts (including peanut oil) are included in any of the foods. Please include a list of ingredients for any items you bring in. Also ensure any containers are labelled so we can return them to you at the end of the day! If you are concerned about any other allergies or would not like your child to participate, please contact your classroom teacher.
We are:
- using ordinal numbers (first, second, third etc) to describe the order of things
- comparing the length of different items
- practising measuring an object using informal units (eg. the table is 32 blocks longs)
- practising our addition strategies such as Friends of 10 and Counting On
- revising and learning new sounds
- learning common words
- using our sounds to read simple sentences
- writing about our Firefighter visits
- continuing our books – writing about our future
Week 9 Week beginning 10th June | Chore Challenge! Help around the house and share what you do |
Week 10 Week beginning 17th June | What do I want to be when I grow up? |
Week 11 Week beginning 24th June | No Show and Tell – sharing our books made at school |