Catholic Identity &Religious Education

This year's Catholic Education Week's theme is 'I am making all things new,' Rev 21:5. All schools within the Diocese of Sale were invited to create a short video about what makes Catholic Education so special.
Here is what some of our students had to say about why they love Catholic Education...
Catholic Education Week will take place from May 17 - May 24. During this week we will hold Open Days and other activities that will celebrate our amazing school.
Religious Education and Catholic Identity
Catholic schools across Gippsland and Melbourne’s outer south-east will open their doors to
the community to celebrate Catholic Education Week 2024 from 17 May to 24 May. This is a chance for everyone to witness the vibrant faith and learning environments in their
local Catholic Schools through school events which have been planned.
Mr Paul Velten, Director of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Sale, said schools were looking forward to celebrating through activities, events, and open days. This year's theme, A New Dialogue of Love, Hope and Joy is inspired by the Scripture passage ‘See, I am Making All Things New’, Revelation 21:5. This theme symbolises an optimistic and hope-filled perspective on the world and a renewed approach to fostering positive change.
During Catholic Education Week, the St Agatha's school community will be celebrating a Whole School Mass on Tuesday 21 May at 9.30 am. This mass will celebrate Our Lady Help of Christians. Just as Mary helps us in our prayers we are encouraging students to help others in our community by bringing non-perishable food and household items as donations to those who may be finding things tough at the moment. Winter is coming and there are many families who are in need and so we are encouraging all our families to donate at least one item to help someone in need.
We ask that donations be made to the classroom into the hampers provided. We will be collecting until Monday 20 May.