Principal's News

Courage, Faith, Love


Dear parents and friends of St Agatha's Primary School,


I would like to wish all the mothers, grandmothers and siginficant parent/carers a very happy and blessed Mother's Day. We had a wonderful time last Friday with our annual Mother's Day breakfast. I would like to thank all the staff who were up bright and early to cook and serve a hot breakfast for you. 


A special thank you to our wonderful admin officer - Natalie Le Miere who coordinated the event and Carolyn Hamblin our canteen manager. I hope you all enjoyed it and enjoyed spending time with your children. These sorts of community events take a lot of planning and organisation. 

As we reflect on Mother's Day, we are reminded of the beautiful bond between a mother and her child. This bond is one of the most precious gifts we receive in life, mirroring the deep love and care that Jesus had for his own mother, Mary.


In the Catholic tradition, we hold Mary, the mother of Jesus, in high esteem. She exemplifies strength, compassion, and unwavering faith. Just as Mary cared for Jesus with tenderness and devotion, our mothers tirelessly support and nurture us each day.


Thank you also to the parents who coordinated and ran the  Mother's Day Stall. I am sure you will treasure the beautiful gifts that your children selected for you at the stall.

Catholic Education Week

Our school, along with the 45 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Sale, will celebrate Catholic Education Week from 17 May to 24 May.  


The theme for this year’s celebrations is,  A New Dialogue of Love, Hope and Joy, inspired by the Scripture passage, ‘See, I am Making All Things New’ (Rev. 21:5). This theme symbolises an optimistic and hope-filled perspective on the world and a renewed approach to fostering positive change. The theme emphasises the belief that transformation and renewal are possible in all aspects of life through individual choices.


By following the life and teachings of Jesus, and embracing principles of compassion, peace, goodness, and justice, individuals can contribute to a more hopeful and joyful world, sowing seeds of positivity and hope. Through this theme, Catholic schools aim to inspire young people to reflect on the Christian message and to showcase their efforts in contributing to creating a better world.  


The hope is for staff, students, families, and parishes to embrace this meaningful time and for schools to   celebrate their distinctive mission and share features that are special about their schools.  Members of staff will be attending a Leadership Eucharist and Awards ceremony to celebrate and recognise outstanding service and excellence of staff and students in Catholic education in our Diocese at presentations during Catholic Education Week.   One of our Learning Support Officers - Shevaun Lazarus will be awareded with scholarship as she continues her studies to become a teacher in the Diocese of Sale. On behalf of the school community, I wish to congratulate Shevaun on her dedication to Catholic education.


Please enjoy this message from our Director - Mr Paul Velten.

Building Project Update

We are getting closer to having a new building installed! By the end of Term 3 the Todd building will be demolished to make way for a brand new building. While this is exciting, it does mean some disruption to our normal operations and will mean reduced space for the students for a short time. This is why I have decided to begin the landscaping works in the Courtyard area before the demolision. 


Our new courtyard area will have a gathering circle, a dry creek bed with low bridges, an inlaid giant chess board and picnic tables. The landscaping of this area will be with an Australian native indigenous feel. I will keep you updated with the progress of the new play space as it evolves.


I hope you all have a happy week!


Take care,

Michelle Bruitzman
