Principal Team

Shane Gagiero & Felicity Elliott

Dear Parents and Carers,

What an amazing Term 2 it has been at Somerville Primary School, I cannot believe how quickly the term has flown by and that there is only four weeks left of the term. There have been lots of fantastic experiences for the students to enjoy over the past month such as District & Divisional Cross County, Grade 6 Immigration excursion, Grade 5 SES incursion, Prep Excursion to Coal Creek, Grade 2 excursion to the Cranbourne Botanical Gardens, Grade 1 Toys Incursion, Grade 6 Cyber safety incursion and our Mother’s Day afternoon. 

We still have several events to look forward to for the remainder of Term 2 which is exciting. The Grade 3 students have an excursion to Moonlit Sanctuary, Grade 5 & 6 students have their Winter Lightning Premiership, and our Preps have an olden day dress up day and a special grandparent’s afternoon that are all quickly approaching.

I have been pleased to see the learning growth that has occurred across the school throughout the semester, and I am thrilled that our students are engaged and proud of their learning achievements and successes.


We currently have 392 students enrolled at Somerville Primary School; we are continuing to take bookings for school tours for 2025 Prep students. At this stage we have already had several tours throughout the term and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, which is an outstanding reflection on the high-quality teaching and learning that occurs each and every day at our school. 

Book a tour:




Earlier in the week a compass post was sent out as we have recently updated our Somerville Primary School Uniform policy after review and approval by School Council at our last meeting. The updated policy has resulted in some changes to our previous uniform policy.  Please make sure you read over the attached document carefully and we would greatly appreciate your cooperation in adhering to the new policy.We are proud to have our students presented in the Somerville Primary School uniform and it is an important part of our school identity. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school. 




I have been thoroughly impressed with our students progress with their reading nights. It is great to see so many students enjoying their reading and moving closer to there goal. I look forward to all students reaching 200 nights and having our pizza party at the end of the year.




A reminder to all of our families that it is illegal to perform a U turn at the front of our school on Eramosa Rd East. There have been a number of occasions vehicles have been doing U turns out the front of the school or near Roslyn St. We want to ensure that all of our students and families are safe on their travels to and from school. The Police Highway patrol have come past recently, and I am sure that no family would want to receive a fine. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.




Congratulations to our Somerville Star Award winners at our last assembly. You have all done a sensational job and set a wonderful example for your classmates.


Somerville Star Awards & Anzac Awards

Week 3

Week 6


We hope everyone has a brilliant and safe weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.


Kind Regards


Shane & Felicity