Friends of Somerville PS


As you will have read on COMPASS, our Friends of Somerville Primary School (FOSP) group runs as a fundraising body under the direction of the Somerville Primary School , School Council.


Our primary aim for FOSP is to bring our school families together, strengthening relationships, building friendships, and continuing to grow our wonderful school community. Fundraising for  extra resources is, of course, a bonus! 


We would love to see as many families involved as possible – whether that is contributing an idea,  organising an event, assisting at an event, helping source supplies, or supporting an event in person. 



Our calendar of events for 2024 already approved by School Council: 


· Popcorn Tuesdays - Term 2 helpers sign up here

· Hot Dog Meal Deal – Friday 21st June -  Helper sign up sheet to come out soon



· Popcorn Tuesdays - Term 3 sign up sheet to come out soon

· Fathers Day Stall – Friday 30th August - Event Organiser needed

· Footy Day Meal Deal – Friday 20th September - Event Organiser needed



· Colour Fun Run – Thursday 17th October - Event Organiser needed

· Meal Deal – Friday 6th December - Event Organiser needed


Have another idea?

Want to run a student disco, parent fundraiser night, movie night, extra meal deals………..…..

If you have a suggestion we’d love to hear from you! 


Event proposal forms are available from the office, simply fill one in for submission to School Council  and remember that all events will have the full support of the school in planning, organisation and running.

You won’t have to do it alone. 


If you have any questions you can contact me via the new designated FOSP email address


Caz Russell—School Council, Community Relations Sub Committee